Hi Everybody ....... :)
I almost forgot this piece. I wrote this to the church 5 months after I was Born Again and would like to share it with whom ever reads my blog.
Love to All Me
The Little Boy who beats his Drum
This time of year has always been very special to me. Of all the Christmas songs that I love listening to, my favorite is “The Little Drummer Boy”. No gold, no silver, nothing of worldly value. What he gave to baby Jesus was a pa-rum-pum-pum-pum from his heart on his drum. Even though there was no little drummer boy that played his drum for baby Jesus you will find his spiritual presence throughout the Bible, Old and New Testament.
In the carol it reads: “I am a poor boy too, I have no gift to bring, That’s fit to give the King”. What this poor boy gave was the richest and most precious gift that could ever be given, LOVE. The words of this short and simple song have always kept me going when all I have had to offer was my Love.
“Then He smiled at me, me and my drum”. I think that it would have been a smile from ear to ear because of the Love that poured out of that little drummer boys heart to honor our King of Kings, Jesus.
As you have shared your Loving and caring hearts with me and my family, I do the same for all of you. I am truly blessed to have been guided by the Holy Spirit to a wonderful and Loving place to learn about the WORD and seek myself within.
Skippy (Brad)
22 Dec. 2007
Saturday, December 12, 2009
MERRY CHRISTMAS - what ever you believe!!!
Hi Everybody ....... :)
Yes, this first piece I kind of put together from the songs from the hymn book. I hope you enjoy it. The second piece should speak for itself.
Love to All - - Me
Happy Birthday Jesus
On a silent night, Holy night, a long time ago. It came upon a midnight clear, when all was calm and all was bright, a glorious song could be heard when the angels bent down towards the earth, and touched their harps of gold.
On that O Holy night of the first Noel, with the stars brightly shining, the angel did say, was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay.
O little town of Bethlehem, How still we saw thee lie, when there Came three kings of Orient, Bearing gifts they traversed afar. For a little baby born that night, No crib for his bed, so a manger would have to do, where The little Lord Jesus had laid down His sweet head.
And Hark! The herald angels sang, Glory to our new born King. So come all ye faithful, be joyful and triumphant! Sing Joy to the world! Our Lord IS come; let the earth receive her King.
As my Little Drummer Boy heart beats out my Loving gift, I drop to my knees, bow my head and raise my hands and pray a humble “Thank You” dear Lord, for OUR precious gift. AMEN
Merry Christmas
All My Love
20 Nov. 2008
The Star
Brad Barnett
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ
Have you ever wondered about the Star of Bethlehem? Scientists have been trying to figure this out for years. There are so many possibilities that you will be more confused after reading them than you were before.
There are times that I have looked to the stars wondering if I could possibly see that Star of Bethlehem but just ended up enjoying the sight of them all. The Bible says that three wise men followed that star to Bethlehem looking for the Messiah. So what happened to it? Where is it now? That era was a long time ago. Did it burn out? Or was it put there by God for a one time purpose to guide the wise men and let all of Gods flock know that His Son, the Messiah had been born.
I think I know where that star is but first let me ask you this. The Christmas season is upon us and Christmas Day is right around the corner. What have you done for the one who’s Birthday we are celebrating? Remember, every day we are to honor, praise and worship him, but this is a special day, His day, the day we celebrate the coming of the Christ. On that day, December 25th, set your alarm to wake you before daybreak. No excuses! Get yourself a cup of coffee, tea, hot chocolate, or whatever you desire. Bundle up and step outside to watch the Son rise. Now, as you are standing or sitting there, watching Gods Glory, open your heart and you will find that “Star”. The exact same star that led the wise men to Jesus a long time ago is within every one of us, leading us to Jesus today. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, let that “Star” shine, Hallelujah. Amen
Merry Christmas to All Thank You Jesus
02 Dec. 2008
No matter how you celebrate this time of year - - remember, it's all about and for Jesus!!!
Yes, this first piece I kind of put together from the songs from the hymn book. I hope you enjoy it. The second piece should speak for itself.
Love to All - - Me
Happy Birthday Jesus
On a silent night, Holy night, a long time ago. It came upon a midnight clear, when all was calm and all was bright, a glorious song could be heard when the angels bent down towards the earth, and touched their harps of gold.
On that O Holy night of the first Noel, with the stars brightly shining, the angel did say, was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay.
O little town of Bethlehem, How still we saw thee lie, when there Came three kings of Orient, Bearing gifts they traversed afar. For a little baby born that night, No crib for his bed, so a manger would have to do, where The little Lord Jesus had laid down His sweet head.
And Hark! The herald angels sang, Glory to our new born King. So come all ye faithful, be joyful and triumphant! Sing Joy to the world! Our Lord IS come; let the earth receive her King.
As my Little Drummer Boy heart beats out my Loving gift, I drop to my knees, bow my head and raise my hands and pray a humble “Thank You” dear Lord, for OUR precious gift. AMEN
Merry Christmas
All My Love
20 Nov. 2008
The Star
Brad Barnett
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ
Have you ever wondered about the Star of Bethlehem? Scientists have been trying to figure this out for years. There are so many possibilities that you will be more confused after reading them than you were before.
There are times that I have looked to the stars wondering if I could possibly see that Star of Bethlehem but just ended up enjoying the sight of them all. The Bible says that three wise men followed that star to Bethlehem looking for the Messiah. So what happened to it? Where is it now? That era was a long time ago. Did it burn out? Or was it put there by God for a one time purpose to guide the wise men and let all of Gods flock know that His Son, the Messiah had been born.
I think I know where that star is but first let me ask you this. The Christmas season is upon us and Christmas Day is right around the corner. What have you done for the one who’s Birthday we are celebrating? Remember, every day we are to honor, praise and worship him, but this is a special day, His day, the day we celebrate the coming of the Christ. On that day, December 25th, set your alarm to wake you before daybreak. No excuses! Get yourself a cup of coffee, tea, hot chocolate, or whatever you desire. Bundle up and step outside to watch the Son rise. Now, as you are standing or sitting there, watching Gods Glory, open your heart and you will find that “Star”. The exact same star that led the wise men to Jesus a long time ago is within every one of us, leading us to Jesus today. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, let that “Star” shine, Hallelujah. Amen
Merry Christmas to All Thank You Jesus
02 Dec. 2008
No matter how you celebrate this time of year - - remember, it's all about and for Jesus!!!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving
When I was a child I always looked forward to Thanksgiving. The turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy and especially the black olives. Do you know how much fun it was to put those black olives on the tips of every finger and eat then off? And all the relatives showing up to visit, some you may not have seen all year. It truly was a wonderful and blessed day.
There was nothing open for business on that day, except for maybe the little corner market for a couple hours in the morning. I remember those Thanksgiving days as being peaceful, loving and a lot of fun. Those days are long gone and the true meaning of Thanksgiving has almost died along with them. Maybe not for everybody but for most. We have been caught up in a fast moving world and we are afraid that if we slow down we will be left behind.
I remember setting the table, sometimes for more or less people that were expected to come. But the thing that I remember the most was that it didn’t matter how many people were to show up for dinner, the head of the table was always set with a beautiful little wine glass, with the top portion of the glass red. This was always set into place by my father for the unseen guest that was to be present at our table. Grace was said before you could hear any utensil bang on a dish and of course that Grace was to give thanks to our unseen guest (God) for his Grace that was bestowed upon us throughout the year. Thanksgiving Days were absolutely beautiful and wonderful.
Times sure have changed in the past 45 years or so. When President Bush gave his official Thanksgiving address in 2007 at the Berkeley Plantation he said “Thanksgiving traditions have evolved”. Evolution as we call and know it is not necessarily for the better. I guess that if you do not believe in God and that his son Jesus was sacrificed for your sins then racing across the sand dunes, plowing through the mud bogs or flying over the waves with a cold turkey sandwich in one hand and a beer or soft drink in the other is for you, and I’m sorry.
In the Bible, from “Leviticus” to “Revelation”, we are to give thanks to our Lord and creator. A couple of my favorites are Psalms 69:30 “I will praise the name of God with song and magnify Him with thanksgiving.” Psalms 100:4 “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name.” And Colossians 2:6,7,8 6 “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: 7 Rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. 8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” Have we forgotten what we have been taught as it states in Colossians 2:7 or have we ever been taught?
Evolution or just plain lazy excuses?
“For as much as it is the indispensable Duty of all Men to adore the superintending Providence of Almighty God; to acknowledge with Gratitude their Obligation to him for Benefits received, and to implore such farther Blessings as they stand in Need of: And it having pleased him in his abundant Mercy, not only to continue to us the innumerable Bounties of his common Providence; but also to smile upon us in the Prosecution of a just and necessary War, for the Defense and Establishment of our unalienable Rights and Liberties; particularly in that he hath been pleased, in so great a Measure, to prosper the Means used for the Support of our Troops, and to crown our Arms with most signal success:
It is therefore recommended to the legislative or executive Powers of these UNITED STATES to set apart Thursday, the eighteenth Day of December next, for SOLEMN THANKSGIVING and PRAISE: That at one Time and with one Voice, the good People may express the grateful Feelings of their Hearts, and consecrate themselves to the Service of their Divine Benefactor; and that, together with their sincere Acknowledgments and Offerings, they may join the penitent Confessions of their manifold Sins, whereby they had forfeited every Favor; and their humble and earnest Supplication that it may please GOD through the Merits of JESUS CHRIST, mercifully to forgive and blot them out of Remembrance; That it may please him graciously to afford his Blessing on the Governments of these States respectively, and prosper the public Council of the whole: To inspire our Commanders, both by Land and Sea, and all under them, with that Wisdom and Fortitude which may render them fit Instruments, under the Providence of Almighty GOD, to secure for these United States, the greatest of all human Blessings, INDEPENDENCE and PEACE: That it may please him, to prosper the Trade and Manufactures of the People, and the Labor of the Husbandman, that our Land may yield is Increase: To take Schools and Seminaries of Education, so necessary for cultivating the Principles of true Liberty, Virtue and Piety, under his nurturing Hand; and to prosper the Means of Religion, for the promotion and enlargement of that Kingdom, which consisteth in Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost.
And it is further recommended, That servile Labor, and such Recreation, as, though at other Times innocent, may be unbecoming the Purpose of this Appointment, be omitted on so solemn an Occasion.”
What you have just read was The First National Proclamation of Thanksgiving, given 231 years ago as of this year, 2008, by the Continental Congress, 1777.
There has been Thanksgiving Proclamations sense that continues to acknowledge Almighty GOD. Two names out of the hat would be George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, giving glorious proclamations. And how many more wonderful devotions and inspirationals given by people we will never meet here on earth? Although we are to, and should give Thanks every day to our creator, this one day in November has been set aside for us as one nation for giving Thanks to Almighty GOD as ONE. But it is fast becoming something that it wasn’t meant to be. Yes, it is your choice. Given to you by your ancestors, called Freedom. Bought and paid for by the blood of those ancestors. The same ones that believed and trusted in GOD for all his power, mercy and grace.
I pray that we all have a peaceful, joyful and wonderful, Thanksgiving LIFE.
B.C.B. Disciple of God
There was nothing open for business on that day, except for maybe the little corner market for a couple hours in the morning. I remember those Thanksgiving days as being peaceful, loving and a lot of fun. Those days are long gone and the true meaning of Thanksgiving has almost died along with them. Maybe not for everybody but for most. We have been caught up in a fast moving world and we are afraid that if we slow down we will be left behind.
I remember setting the table, sometimes for more or less people that were expected to come. But the thing that I remember the most was that it didn’t matter how many people were to show up for dinner, the head of the table was always set with a beautiful little wine glass, with the top portion of the glass red. This was always set into place by my father for the unseen guest that was to be present at our table. Grace was said before you could hear any utensil bang on a dish and of course that Grace was to give thanks to our unseen guest (God) for his Grace that was bestowed upon us throughout the year. Thanksgiving Days were absolutely beautiful and wonderful.
Times sure have changed in the past 45 years or so. When President Bush gave his official Thanksgiving address in 2007 at the Berkeley Plantation he said “Thanksgiving traditions have evolved”. Evolution as we call and know it is not necessarily for the better. I guess that if you do not believe in God and that his son Jesus was sacrificed for your sins then racing across the sand dunes, plowing through the mud bogs or flying over the waves with a cold turkey sandwich in one hand and a beer or soft drink in the other is for you, and I’m sorry.
In the Bible, from “Leviticus” to “Revelation”, we are to give thanks to our Lord and creator. A couple of my favorites are Psalms 69:30 “I will praise the name of God with song and magnify Him with thanksgiving.” Psalms 100:4 “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name.” And Colossians 2:6,7,8 6 “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: 7 Rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. 8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” Have we forgotten what we have been taught as it states in Colossians 2:7 or have we ever been taught?
Evolution or just plain lazy excuses?
“For as much as it is the indispensable Duty of all Men to adore the superintending Providence of Almighty God; to acknowledge with Gratitude their Obligation to him for Benefits received, and to implore such farther Blessings as they stand in Need of: And it having pleased him in his abundant Mercy, not only to continue to us the innumerable Bounties of his common Providence; but also to smile upon us in the Prosecution of a just and necessary War, for the Defense and Establishment of our unalienable Rights and Liberties; particularly in that he hath been pleased, in so great a Measure, to prosper the Means used for the Support of our Troops, and to crown our Arms with most signal success:
It is therefore recommended to the legislative or executive Powers of these UNITED STATES to set apart Thursday, the eighteenth Day of December next, for SOLEMN THANKSGIVING and PRAISE: That at one Time and with one Voice, the good People may express the grateful Feelings of their Hearts, and consecrate themselves to the Service of their Divine Benefactor; and that, together with their sincere Acknowledgments and Offerings, they may join the penitent Confessions of their manifold Sins, whereby they had forfeited every Favor; and their humble and earnest Supplication that it may please GOD through the Merits of JESUS CHRIST, mercifully to forgive and blot them out of Remembrance; That it may please him graciously to afford his Blessing on the Governments of these States respectively, and prosper the public Council of the whole: To inspire our Commanders, both by Land and Sea, and all under them, with that Wisdom and Fortitude which may render them fit Instruments, under the Providence of Almighty GOD, to secure for these United States, the greatest of all human Blessings, INDEPENDENCE and PEACE: That it may please him, to prosper the Trade and Manufactures of the People, and the Labor of the Husbandman, that our Land may yield is Increase: To take Schools and Seminaries of Education, so necessary for cultivating the Principles of true Liberty, Virtue and Piety, under his nurturing Hand; and to prosper the Means of Religion, for the promotion and enlargement of that Kingdom, which consisteth in Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost.
And it is further recommended, That servile Labor, and such Recreation, as, though at other Times innocent, may be unbecoming the Purpose of this Appointment, be omitted on so solemn an Occasion.”
What you have just read was The First National Proclamation of Thanksgiving, given 231 years ago as of this year, 2008, by the Continental Congress, 1777.
There has been Thanksgiving Proclamations sense that continues to acknowledge Almighty GOD. Two names out of the hat would be George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, giving glorious proclamations. And how many more wonderful devotions and inspirationals given by people we will never meet here on earth? Although we are to, and should give Thanks every day to our creator, this one day in November has been set aside for us as one nation for giving Thanks to Almighty GOD as ONE. But it is fast becoming something that it wasn’t meant to be. Yes, it is your choice. Given to you by your ancestors, called Freedom. Bought and paid for by the blood of those ancestors. The same ones that believed and trusted in GOD for all his power, mercy and grace.
I pray that we all have a peaceful, joyful and wonderful, Thanksgiving LIFE.
B.C.B. Disciple of God
Monday, November 9, 2009
To my son, Scott
Hi Everybody ....... :)
I happen to be thinking of another inspiration for you all to read and this one immediately jumped out at me. I did not understand why until I read it. Some of these I post for you I haven't read for awhile so I like to read them before I make the post. Anyway, even though I have posted this inspiration for all of you, my heart really goes out to my son Scott at this time because he has shown some wise choices lately on his life with his walk with Jesus and our Father God and I'm sure their chests are puffed out with pride a lot farther than mine could ever reach.
I Love Scott!
Through my mind’s Eye
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ
What is Wisdom? The dictionary defines it as; “1. The power of true and right discernment; also, conformity to the course of action dictated by such discernment. 2. Good practical judgment; common sense. 3. A high degree of knowledge.”
Do we really know what Wisdom is and how we obtain it? Some say it comes with age; the older we get the wiser we become. Or a young child, teen or adult that we describe as; wise beyond their years. My father once called me wise when the words I chose to help him over a hump with his #1 son hit home. He is now climbing a mountain trying to understand why I turned down his calling me wise and giving all the credit to the Holy Spirit. At the time I didn’t understand the wisdom I spoke to him, I just knew that the Holy Spirit, on request through prayer, was with me as I wrote.
As I thought about Wisdom the more I wanted to know about it and if I am truly a wise person. I think I fit the definition the dictionary has to offer pretty well. But I still wasn’t satisfied and I started looking in the Bible to see if I fit in the Wisdom Category of our Lord. As I read I learned how our Wisdom is obtained.
When the Lord spoke to Moses in Exodus 31:3 “And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship”, 2 Chronicles 1:11&12 “ Then God said to Solomon: “Because this was in your heart, and you have not asked riches or wealth or honor or the life of your enemies, nor have you asked long life – but have asked wisdom and knowledge for yourself, that you may judge My people over whom I have made you king – (12) wisdom and knowledge are granted to you; and I will give you riches and wealth and honor, such as none of the kings have had who were before you, nor shall any after you have the like””. 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: (8) for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, (9) to another faith by the same Spirit , to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, (10) to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. (11) But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.” Colossians 2:1-3 “for I want you to know what a great conflict I have for you and those in Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh, (2) that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ, (3) in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Colossians 4:5&6 “Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. (6) Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.”
These are just 4 books, 13 verses out of 28 books, 214 verses from the Bible that talk about Wisdom. I have not read them all but the ones that I have read have given me my answer to the definition of Wisdom. It is not something we earn or acquire with age. There is no worldly price for it so we can’t go to the corner market and buy it. It is a GIFT FROM GOD!
So why then don’t we have this Gift of Wisdom 24/7? I think very few people do. I am not one of them, but I know that God will give it to me when I ask, uncertain as to how this fleshly form is going to act or react. When I write I ask the Holy Spirit for help and guide me in the words that I want to put to paper. I now know that the help that I am asking for is in fact, God’s Gift of Wisdom to express my thoughts, my feelings in a manner to honor His Glory, His Wisdom, not mine.
Is it wise to know the ways of the world we live in? Yes! There are far too many things and people out there that would like nothing better to do than take advantage of us. We should take our time and think things through. Clear our heads of what we want to do and ask the Lord for the Wisdom to make the right choice. All too often we jump in with both feet only to sink in up to our necks because we only see what we want to see. It would be more pleasant to walk on the water, hand in hand with Jesus than to drown in a mud puddle.
Thank you Father God for all that you have done, all that you are doing and all that is yet to come. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen
Love to All
I happen to be thinking of another inspiration for you all to read and this one immediately jumped out at me. I did not understand why until I read it. Some of these I post for you I haven't read for awhile so I like to read them before I make the post. Anyway, even though I have posted this inspiration for all of you, my heart really goes out to my son Scott at this time because he has shown some wise choices lately on his life with his walk with Jesus and our Father God and I'm sure their chests are puffed out with pride a lot farther than mine could ever reach.
I Love Scott!
Through my mind’s Eye
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ
What is Wisdom? The dictionary defines it as; “1. The power of true and right discernment; also, conformity to the course of action dictated by such discernment. 2. Good practical judgment; common sense. 3. A high degree of knowledge.”
Do we really know what Wisdom is and how we obtain it? Some say it comes with age; the older we get the wiser we become. Or a young child, teen or adult that we describe as; wise beyond their years. My father once called me wise when the words I chose to help him over a hump with his #1 son hit home. He is now climbing a mountain trying to understand why I turned down his calling me wise and giving all the credit to the Holy Spirit. At the time I didn’t understand the wisdom I spoke to him, I just knew that the Holy Spirit, on request through prayer, was with me as I wrote.
As I thought about Wisdom the more I wanted to know about it and if I am truly a wise person. I think I fit the definition the dictionary has to offer pretty well. But I still wasn’t satisfied and I started looking in the Bible to see if I fit in the Wisdom Category of our Lord. As I read I learned how our Wisdom is obtained.
When the Lord spoke to Moses in Exodus 31:3 “And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship”, 2 Chronicles 1:11&12 “ Then God said to Solomon: “Because this was in your heart, and you have not asked riches or wealth or honor or the life of your enemies, nor have you asked long life – but have asked wisdom and knowledge for yourself, that you may judge My people over whom I have made you king – (12) wisdom and knowledge are granted to you; and I will give you riches and wealth and honor, such as none of the kings have had who were before you, nor shall any after you have the like””. 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: (8) for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, (9) to another faith by the same Spirit , to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, (10) to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. (11) But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.” Colossians 2:1-3 “for I want you to know what a great conflict I have for you and those in Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh, (2) that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ, (3) in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Colossians 4:5&6 “Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. (6) Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.”
These are just 4 books, 13 verses out of 28 books, 214 verses from the Bible that talk about Wisdom. I have not read them all but the ones that I have read have given me my answer to the definition of Wisdom. It is not something we earn or acquire with age. There is no worldly price for it so we can’t go to the corner market and buy it. It is a GIFT FROM GOD!
So why then don’t we have this Gift of Wisdom 24/7? I think very few people do. I am not one of them, but I know that God will give it to me when I ask, uncertain as to how this fleshly form is going to act or react. When I write I ask the Holy Spirit for help and guide me in the words that I want to put to paper. I now know that the help that I am asking for is in fact, God’s Gift of Wisdom to express my thoughts, my feelings in a manner to honor His Glory, His Wisdom, not mine.
Is it wise to know the ways of the world we live in? Yes! There are far too many things and people out there that would like nothing better to do than take advantage of us. We should take our time and think things through. Clear our heads of what we want to do and ask the Lord for the Wisdom to make the right choice. All too often we jump in with both feet only to sink in up to our necks because we only see what we want to see. It would be more pleasant to walk on the water, hand in hand with Jesus than to drown in a mud puddle.
Thank you Father God for all that you have done, all that you are doing and all that is yet to come. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen
Love to All
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Delayed thought to last post
Hi Everybody again ....... :)
Right as I posted that last blog this came to mind that I believe goes very well with it. Please read them together for a better outlook on a positive concept. Thank you.
What Color is your Blood?
What color is your blood? Is it brown, tan, white, yellow, black or green? I think not! It is RED, just like mine. Just like the blood that Jesus shed for all of us to save us from OUR sins. Then why is it so hard for some of us to see past the surface? If you are green and I am purple, does it matter? What should really matter to us all is that our blood is the same color as the Son of Man. When we get a cut we wash it off and put a band aid on it to stop the bleeding and keep the dirt and germs out of it so it does not ge infected. Did you know that Jesus is the band aid for our souls, a gift of unselfish love and forgiveness from his father and our creator, Lord God Almighty? Jesus was sacrificed to keep all the worldly infectious impurities from infecting our souls but it is up to us to keep that band aid in place.
You ask me why I compare Jesus to a band aid? Because of the principle of the protection that is offered to us. Just as we use a band aid to shield and protect our cut, Jesus is the shield to protect our souls. All that need be done is make sure that he is applied 24/7.
Friday, 21 Sep. 2007 Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.
Right as I posted that last blog this came to mind that I believe goes very well with it. Please read them together for a better outlook on a positive concept. Thank you.
What Color is your Blood?
What color is your blood? Is it brown, tan, white, yellow, black or green? I think not! It is RED, just like mine. Just like the blood that Jesus shed for all of us to save us from OUR sins. Then why is it so hard for some of us to see past the surface? If you are green and I am purple, does it matter? What should really matter to us all is that our blood is the same color as the Son of Man. When we get a cut we wash it off and put a band aid on it to stop the bleeding and keep the dirt and germs out of it so it does not ge infected. Did you know that Jesus is the band aid for our souls, a gift of unselfish love and forgiveness from his father and our creator, Lord God Almighty? Jesus was sacrificed to keep all the worldly infectious impurities from infecting our souls but it is up to us to keep that band aid in place.
You ask me why I compare Jesus to a band aid? Because of the principle of the protection that is offered to us. Just as we use a band aid to shield and protect our cut, Jesus is the shield to protect our souls. All that need be done is make sure that he is applied 24/7.
Friday, 21 Sep. 2007 Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.
Are you Equal or Better??
Hi Everybody ....... :)
I pray that you all are doing well. Here is something I started some time back that I needed to finish and I thought it would be something of interest for you to read and ponder over. It's a subject that still bounces off the inner walls of my head bone every day due to one reason or another. Maybe that's my problem, too many things bouncing around turning the gray matter into jell-o!
What is Equal or Equality?
This is something that has bothered me probably most of my adult life. Is there a true meaning to the term Equal or Equality? Not according to anything I’ve read in the encyclopedias or dictionaries. Equal: “a state of equality.” And under Equality you have: egalitarianism: “the belief that all/some people ought to be treated equally”, equal outcome, equal opportunity, equal treatment, equal before the law, racial equality, sexual equality and social equality. None of which makes anybody equal to another!
Our government says we are entitled to equal opportunity, but because of our social, sexual and or racial equality there is no equal treatment, which does not put us equal before the law, which in turn does not give us an equal outcome!
Where is the overall equality that we seek? It is hard to understand this when we see our own government taking advantage of the position it is in by thinking they are better than the everyday John or Jane Doe on the street. There’s the key word that shames us all, BETTER! There will never be any equality as long as people believe they are better than everyone else. And the government is the worst offender! Why? How? Here are a few examples. 1. Any high ranking official in the government cannot me arrested for a misdemeanor. You and I would be incarcerated on the spot. Equal? 2. The president, after his 4 year term in office is over, still gets his yearly salary and full medical benefits (least we forget about the senators and congressmen/women). The armed services Veteran that puts in their four year term, especially during an armed conflict/war, has to fight for everything they Deserve! Equal? Wasn’t it 90 billion dollars that was approved on for fighting this war on terrorism? And the Army is real proud about this new troop carrier thing that only cost $900K, each! How many billions of dollars were approved on to compensate the families for a lost loved one or to take care of our veterans that have sworn to protect us? Equal?
The only thing that comes close for us being equal to one another is the blood that gives us life. But yet even that does not make us equal because my 0+ can be given to just about anyone else, I cannot receive A, B, AB, (+) or (-), or just about any other type there is. The color of our blood, red, is the only physical thing that makes us equal to one another.
We separate, segregate and categorize according to our social, sexual, racial, moral, political and religious beliefs. We have beaten the 1st and 2nd Amendments to death trying to figure out what would be equal for all, forgetting why they were written in the first place. Just because it’s old doesn’t mean it’s outdated and should be changed!!
From the beginning of time there has been no equality. We have all been blessed with different talents and that’s the way it should be in order for this world to survive. But we have this crazy idea that we are better than others just because of the knowledge and skills we may poses. The knowledge and skills that I have, are in most cases, different than yours but that doesn’t make me any better than you or you better than me. And yes, that even applies to someone flipping burgers to the President of the United States. Neither one is better than the other. But because society dictates certain guidelines, and the law makers make unfavorable laws between the two positions, it makes equality non-existent. If a government official makes an error in judgment he or she is given the opportunity to resign (depending on how high up they are on the ladder). Why? If we, as the government calls citizens, make the same error in judgment, we are fired on the spot! Equal? Are not all government officials citizens?
What makes anyone better than anyone else? Nothing! It doesn’t matter if you’re black, brown, white, yellow, purple, pink or green – Catholic, Baptist, Protestant, Christian, Jewish, Mormon or even Muslim or Atheist – Republican, Democrat, Independent, or Whatever.
This may be hard for some of you to believe or understand, but we are all Equal in the eyes of God through his mercy and grace, whether you believe or not. What we say and do, act and react while we are here on the face of this earth, will, only in the end be determined if we are finally Equal to one another in Heaven or Hell.
So now, who are you Equal to? And are you really looking for Equality? Or does your ego make you think you’re better than others? We are never as good as we think we are and only half as good as others make us out to be. We are blinded by our own sense of worth to a point of not being respectful of/to others. Just because we don’t have the same beliefs, live in the same neighborhood or watch the same type of JUNK on the TV does not give us the right to be disrespectful to one another. People, by their words and actions have lost my respect for most, but I am NOT disrespectful towards them. Try treating others as you wish to be treated and understand that just because you live in your own little world, so do others live in theirs. Show some respect and treat them as an Equal, even though you like steak and they like hotdogs.
I am I guess, what they call, a practicing Christian. My life falls under the best moral and everyday life standards of laws that have been written and I’m proud to say as much too! My God is your God, even if you don’t believe. And his Son Jesus was sacrificed for all sinners not just a certain few. Every single one of us are equal in God’s eyes, why is it so hard for us to be equal in each others?
Thank you Father God for everything you have done, everything you are doing and everything that is yet to come. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Remember – JLY + MGBYAKY
Love to All
I pray that you all are doing well. Here is something I started some time back that I needed to finish and I thought it would be something of interest for you to read and ponder over. It's a subject that still bounces off the inner walls of my head bone every day due to one reason or another. Maybe that's my problem, too many things bouncing around turning the gray matter into jell-o!
What is Equal or Equality?
This is something that has bothered me probably most of my adult life. Is there a true meaning to the term Equal or Equality? Not according to anything I’ve read in the encyclopedias or dictionaries. Equal: “a state of equality.” And under Equality you have: egalitarianism: “the belief that all/some people ought to be treated equally”, equal outcome, equal opportunity, equal treatment, equal before the law, racial equality, sexual equality and social equality. None of which makes anybody equal to another!
Our government says we are entitled to equal opportunity, but because of our social, sexual and or racial equality there is no equal treatment, which does not put us equal before the law, which in turn does not give us an equal outcome!
Where is the overall equality that we seek? It is hard to understand this when we see our own government taking advantage of the position it is in by thinking they are better than the everyday John or Jane Doe on the street. There’s the key word that shames us all, BETTER! There will never be any equality as long as people believe they are better than everyone else. And the government is the worst offender! Why? How? Here are a few examples. 1. Any high ranking official in the government cannot me arrested for a misdemeanor. You and I would be incarcerated on the spot. Equal? 2. The president, after his 4 year term in office is over, still gets his yearly salary and full medical benefits (least we forget about the senators and congressmen/women). The armed services Veteran that puts in their four year term, especially during an armed conflict/war, has to fight for everything they Deserve! Equal? Wasn’t it 90 billion dollars that was approved on for fighting this war on terrorism? And the Army is real proud about this new troop carrier thing that only cost $900K, each! How many billions of dollars were approved on to compensate the families for a lost loved one or to take care of our veterans that have sworn to protect us? Equal?
The only thing that comes close for us being equal to one another is the blood that gives us life. But yet even that does not make us equal because my 0+ can be given to just about anyone else, I cannot receive A, B, AB, (+) or (-), or just about any other type there is. The color of our blood, red, is the only physical thing that makes us equal to one another.
We separate, segregate and categorize according to our social, sexual, racial, moral, political and religious beliefs. We have beaten the 1st and 2nd Amendments to death trying to figure out what would be equal for all, forgetting why they were written in the first place. Just because it’s old doesn’t mean it’s outdated and should be changed!!
From the beginning of time there has been no equality. We have all been blessed with different talents and that’s the way it should be in order for this world to survive. But we have this crazy idea that we are better than others just because of the knowledge and skills we may poses. The knowledge and skills that I have, are in most cases, different than yours but that doesn’t make me any better than you or you better than me. And yes, that even applies to someone flipping burgers to the President of the United States. Neither one is better than the other. But because society dictates certain guidelines, and the law makers make unfavorable laws between the two positions, it makes equality non-existent. If a government official makes an error in judgment he or she is given the opportunity to resign (depending on how high up they are on the ladder). Why? If we, as the government calls citizens, make the same error in judgment, we are fired on the spot! Equal? Are not all government officials citizens?
What makes anyone better than anyone else? Nothing! It doesn’t matter if you’re black, brown, white, yellow, purple, pink or green – Catholic, Baptist, Protestant, Christian, Jewish, Mormon or even Muslim or Atheist – Republican, Democrat, Independent, or Whatever.
This may be hard for some of you to believe or understand, but we are all Equal in the eyes of God through his mercy and grace, whether you believe or not. What we say and do, act and react while we are here on the face of this earth, will, only in the end be determined if we are finally Equal to one another in Heaven or Hell.
So now, who are you Equal to? And are you really looking for Equality? Or does your ego make you think you’re better than others? We are never as good as we think we are and only half as good as others make us out to be. We are blinded by our own sense of worth to a point of not being respectful of/to others. Just because we don’t have the same beliefs, live in the same neighborhood or watch the same type of JUNK on the TV does not give us the right to be disrespectful to one another. People, by their words and actions have lost my respect for most, but I am NOT disrespectful towards them. Try treating others as you wish to be treated and understand that just because you live in your own little world, so do others live in theirs. Show some respect and treat them as an Equal, even though you like steak and they like hotdogs.
I am I guess, what they call, a practicing Christian. My life falls under the best moral and everyday life standards of laws that have been written and I’m proud to say as much too! My God is your God, even if you don’t believe. And his Son Jesus was sacrificed for all sinners not just a certain few. Every single one of us are equal in God’s eyes, why is it so hard for us to be equal in each others?
Thank you Father God for everything you have done, everything you are doing and everything that is yet to come. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Remember – JLY + MGBYAKY
Love to All
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I'm not lost or confused; Just searching
Saturday 5 September 2009
I am just like many of you; struggling to understand the why’s, what for’s and how comes of the life of a Christian. I have always been a Christian in my heart but not in my mind. I became a Born Again Christian on July 3rd 2007 and for about the first year and a half I ate up everything I could about my new life I have taken.
Have you ever been Born Again? Do you remember what it was like? I reached out to the Holy Spirit many times with things that I wanted to share with others. And as I sat at my keyboard and sometimes wept as the Holy Spirit guided my thoughts and feelings onto paper I wondered if what was being written would reach and inspire others.
I haven’t written a lot lately. It’s been hard for me to connect with the couple of things I have tried to write about, still unfinished. And it’s been really hard on me because I don’t know why!
Sunday 25 October 2009
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and some praying (probably should be doing more praying) lately and I still don’t have things sorted out (according to me) but I really do believe things are getting back together. I was able to finish two of the inspirations that were started (more recent ones) and feel a lot better about that. I still have about a half dozen unfinished. Wow!!! Maybe that’s it!!! I am supposed to finish what I have started before I am to successfully move on!!! I’ve got one that is over a year old. It’s not really an inspiration; it’s more of a “Hay, Wake up people! I think I’ve been afraid to finish it and I’m not sure why. It could be because I feel that it would just fall on deft ears anyway. I know it would probably make certain people a little upset (like our government)! I think I’ll finish it and put it on my blog and see if anybody is willing enough to make a comment.
I think I know what a big part of my problem is; I am asking questions about the Bible that nobody here on the face of this planet could possibly answer. I am not questioning Gods Word as being the truth; it’s more of wanting to know more details as to the whose, what for’s and how comes. And listening to some theologian try to explain their idea about all that just irritates me! Why can’t they just say “I don’t know”, we will find out when we reach the New Jerusalem.
Am I messing myself up here or what? I think it’s time to take another leap of faith!!! And get that ugly, pesky devil off my back!!! What do you think? Oh Yea, give me an Amen – Amen. Wow, where did that come from? I kind of like it!
When I started this I had no idea as to where it was going to go. Now I understand why the Holy Spirit led me down this path. To open the eyes of my soul to see what I was doing to myself. I really think we should all sit down and explore our souls from time to time to keep us humble and on the straight and narrow.
Thank you Father God for all that you have done, all that you are doing and all that is yet to come. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
Until next time – Remember, JLY + MGBYAKY
Love to All Skippy/Cochise
I am just like many of you; struggling to understand the why’s, what for’s and how comes of the life of a Christian. I have always been a Christian in my heart but not in my mind. I became a Born Again Christian on July 3rd 2007 and for about the first year and a half I ate up everything I could about my new life I have taken.
Have you ever been Born Again? Do you remember what it was like? I reached out to the Holy Spirit many times with things that I wanted to share with others. And as I sat at my keyboard and sometimes wept as the Holy Spirit guided my thoughts and feelings onto paper I wondered if what was being written would reach and inspire others.
I haven’t written a lot lately. It’s been hard for me to connect with the couple of things I have tried to write about, still unfinished. And it’s been really hard on me because I don’t know why!
Sunday 25 October 2009
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and some praying (probably should be doing more praying) lately and I still don’t have things sorted out (according to me) but I really do believe things are getting back together. I was able to finish two of the inspirations that were started (more recent ones) and feel a lot better about that. I still have about a half dozen unfinished. Wow!!! Maybe that’s it!!! I am supposed to finish what I have started before I am to successfully move on!!! I’ve got one that is over a year old. It’s not really an inspiration; it’s more of a “Hay, Wake up people! I think I’ve been afraid to finish it and I’m not sure why. It could be because I feel that it would just fall on deft ears anyway. I know it would probably make certain people a little upset (like our government)! I think I’ll finish it and put it on my blog and see if anybody is willing enough to make a comment.
I think I know what a big part of my problem is; I am asking questions about the Bible that nobody here on the face of this planet could possibly answer. I am not questioning Gods Word as being the truth; it’s more of wanting to know more details as to the whose, what for’s and how comes. And listening to some theologian try to explain their idea about all that just irritates me! Why can’t they just say “I don’t know”, we will find out when we reach the New Jerusalem.
Am I messing myself up here or what? I think it’s time to take another leap of faith!!! And get that ugly, pesky devil off my back!!! What do you think? Oh Yea, give me an Amen – Amen. Wow, where did that come from? I kind of like it!
When I started this I had no idea as to where it was going to go. Now I understand why the Holy Spirit led me down this path. To open the eyes of my soul to see what I was doing to myself. I really think we should all sit down and explore our souls from time to time to keep us humble and on the straight and narrow.
Thank you Father God for all that you have done, all that you are doing and all that is yet to come. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
Until next time – Remember, JLY + MGBYAKY
Love to All Skippy/Cochise
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Deffinately Constructive Criticism
Hi Everybody ....... :}
I did some thinking on this one I just finished a few hours ago. I have been giving you ones that have been written for awhile, you know, trying to keep things in a semi kind of order. But really, what kind of order you may try to keep doesn't compair to the conviction of the order the Holy Spirit puts on you, right? So here it is.
Through My Mind’s Eye
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ
Being Judgmental or just Constructive Criticism
I started this this morning, this being Sunday, October 18, 2009, while sitting in church. These words were just coming to me and I had to write them down. It started almost immediately during the praise and worship and went on until almost the end of the service with only a couple breaks. Yes, I heard most everything that was going on and even stood once to praise our Lord during a special worship song.
Who am I to think things should be different from the way they are? I feel like an outsider looking in, seeing the way things are, knowing things aren’t right, thinking my words will fall on deaf ears. Day by day concern and irritation building, I must give this to my Lord now or it will destroy me and all that I have been working for; my walk with my Lord and Savior, Jesus. This is not my burden to carry, or is it? I can’t help the way I feel! It’s sometimes so impossible to smile and act like one doesn’t care! I need to continue to ask my Lord to keep me in check, keep his hand over my mouth and muzzle me if need be. It may not be for me to say or act on such a burden that I have taken upon myself, or have I? Am I being prepared, groomed for what God’s Will need’s be done? Why have these things been shown to me now? This is the question that is troubling me! Why?!
There are so many things, some trivial one may think, but still wrong in a wrongful way. Others are and or could be Sevier in such a way that someone could get hurt. The fact remains, wisdom has been ignored for the purpose of what; being ignorant of others around and/or involved, directly or indirectly? I think of James right now, chapter 1, verses 5 – 8; 5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. 6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. 7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. 8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
Here is where I ask myself; am I being driven with the wind and tossed like a wave? At times I do feel tossed, tossed like a piece of driftwood among the rivers rapids, the current not allowing me to continue on down to the sea. I know that this is my impatience, not letting God deal with things in his own time, wanting to be right in my feelings, praying that it is He that has shown me these things and not my own doings. I don’t consider myself a double minded man and I’m not angry, just concerned and a bit irritated. I believe my irritation stems from the feeling that whatever I say will be ignored because I don’t have all the bible learning as most. But on the other hand, I can’t help thinking, what if God has chosen me as a messenger? Why doesn’t He just go right to the source? If that was the case, then why did he choose all the men and women in the Bible to spread His word?
As you can see, this old piece of driftwood has more than just a few questions and that is probably why I am stuck in the middle of the rivers rapids, being beat black and blue, bent and broken, waiting for my answers. Is this where Romans 12:2 + 3 comes in? 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
Did you know that we think more of our pets with all their needs than we do about another human being? If you are really concerned, think long and hard about what I just said. If not, I’m sorry!
I have been hearing about “being critical”, or “criticizing” lately. Is this what I have become, a critic? The dictionary describes “critic”, “critical”, “criticizing”, and “criticism” as be judgmental in a negative manner and we all know what Jesus said in Matthew 7:1 + 2; 1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” Has my mouth slipped into gear on occasion before I could grab the shift lever and something has been said? The Lord knows my heart, I am not being judgmental! It is a “constructive criticism” that I want to convey, a positive outlook as to the things being said and/or done. Does the Bible say anything to this kind of “judgment”? Is not the Bible filled with “constructive criticisms” for Gods children to follow? In Luke 12:57 Yea, and why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right?” What is right? The things that are right morally come from the very depths of your soul; it is the gray matter between your ears that gets things all messed up, wanting to sidestep your true path with Jesus. And in John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” Is my “constructive criticism” / “judgment” righteous?
I know, how can you make a righteous judgment of me and my feelings if you don’t know what they are? Well, if I have anything to say it should be between me and the person and/or persons that I feel have the problems, right? I know that this may be hard to follow but please try. I am trying to convey my dilemma to you to possibly help you with something of the same nature. Please keep in mind that I don’t do this for pity. I actually feel good with all the words that have been written, it’s called being one with the Holy Spirit!
I found in Proverbs 25:14 +15 14 Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain. 15 By long forbearing is a prince persuaded, and a soft tongue breaketh the bone.” A “soft tongue”, reminds me of another verse out of the New Testament about being slow to anger and slow to speak. I know for a fact that anger begets anger and you can’t talk since into a person that has had too much to drink. A “soft tongue” is so hard for us to do. Am I being groomed for that “soft tongue” before I speak?
I do feel better now that I have put all this down to paper. Thank you my Holy Spirit for the guidance you have shared with me. Thanks to all of you for your patience and reading this. I pray that you were able to get something from this.
Remember; JLY & MGBYAKY
Love to All Skippy/Cochise
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I did some thinking on this one I just finished a few hours ago. I have been giving you ones that have been written for awhile, you know, trying to keep things in a semi kind of order. But really, what kind of order you may try to keep doesn't compair to the conviction of the order the Holy Spirit puts on you, right? So here it is.
Through My Mind’s Eye
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ
Being Judgmental or just Constructive Criticism
I started this this morning, this being Sunday, October 18, 2009, while sitting in church. These words were just coming to me and I had to write them down. It started almost immediately during the praise and worship and went on until almost the end of the service with only a couple breaks. Yes, I heard most everything that was going on and even stood once to praise our Lord during a special worship song.
Who am I to think things should be different from the way they are? I feel like an outsider looking in, seeing the way things are, knowing things aren’t right, thinking my words will fall on deaf ears. Day by day concern and irritation building, I must give this to my Lord now or it will destroy me and all that I have been working for; my walk with my Lord and Savior, Jesus. This is not my burden to carry, or is it? I can’t help the way I feel! It’s sometimes so impossible to smile and act like one doesn’t care! I need to continue to ask my Lord to keep me in check, keep his hand over my mouth and muzzle me if need be. It may not be for me to say or act on such a burden that I have taken upon myself, or have I? Am I being prepared, groomed for what God’s Will need’s be done? Why have these things been shown to me now? This is the question that is troubling me! Why?!
There are so many things, some trivial one may think, but still wrong in a wrongful way. Others are and or could be Sevier in such a way that someone could get hurt. The fact remains, wisdom has been ignored for the purpose of what; being ignorant of others around and/or involved, directly or indirectly? I think of James right now, chapter 1, verses 5 – 8; 5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. 6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. 7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. 8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
Here is where I ask myself; am I being driven with the wind and tossed like a wave? At times I do feel tossed, tossed like a piece of driftwood among the rivers rapids, the current not allowing me to continue on down to the sea. I know that this is my impatience, not letting God deal with things in his own time, wanting to be right in my feelings, praying that it is He that has shown me these things and not my own doings. I don’t consider myself a double minded man and I’m not angry, just concerned and a bit irritated. I believe my irritation stems from the feeling that whatever I say will be ignored because I don’t have all the bible learning as most. But on the other hand, I can’t help thinking, what if God has chosen me as a messenger? Why doesn’t He just go right to the source? If that was the case, then why did he choose all the men and women in the Bible to spread His word?
As you can see, this old piece of driftwood has more than just a few questions and that is probably why I am stuck in the middle of the rivers rapids, being beat black and blue, bent and broken, waiting for my answers. Is this where Romans 12:2 + 3 comes in? 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
Did you know that we think more of our pets with all their needs than we do about another human being? If you are really concerned, think long and hard about what I just said. If not, I’m sorry!
I have been hearing about “being critical”, or “criticizing” lately. Is this what I have become, a critic? The dictionary describes “critic”, “critical”, “criticizing”, and “criticism” as be judgmental in a negative manner and we all know what Jesus said in Matthew 7:1 + 2; 1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” Has my mouth slipped into gear on occasion before I could grab the shift lever and something has been said? The Lord knows my heart, I am not being judgmental! It is a “constructive criticism” that I want to convey, a positive outlook as to the things being said and/or done. Does the Bible say anything to this kind of “judgment”? Is not the Bible filled with “constructive criticisms” for Gods children to follow? In Luke 12:57 Yea, and why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right?” What is right? The things that are right morally come from the very depths of your soul; it is the gray matter between your ears that gets things all messed up, wanting to sidestep your true path with Jesus. And in John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” Is my “constructive criticism” / “judgment” righteous?
I know, how can you make a righteous judgment of me and my feelings if you don’t know what they are? Well, if I have anything to say it should be between me and the person and/or persons that I feel have the problems, right? I know that this may be hard to follow but please try. I am trying to convey my dilemma to you to possibly help you with something of the same nature. Please keep in mind that I don’t do this for pity. I actually feel good with all the words that have been written, it’s called being one with the Holy Spirit!
I found in Proverbs 25:14 +15 14 Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain. 15 By long forbearing is a prince persuaded, and a soft tongue breaketh the bone.” A “soft tongue”, reminds me of another verse out of the New Testament about being slow to anger and slow to speak. I know for a fact that anger begets anger and you can’t talk since into a person that has had too much to drink. A “soft tongue” is so hard for us to do. Am I being groomed for that “soft tongue” before I speak?
I do feel better now that I have put all this down to paper. Thank you my Holy Spirit for the guidance you have shared with me. Thanks to all of you for your patience and reading this. I pray that you were able to get something from this.
Remember; JLY & MGBYAKY
Love to All Skippy/Cochise
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What a mess!!! Take 3 !!! Didn't have to do a restart this time. The picture I was trying to insert into my blog had to have been bugged!!! Not bad, it just kind of messed everything up on the message I was trying to send out. Hay, what's life without a little bit of excitement?!? I had to delete everything again, along with the picture but I did remember to make a copy of it before I tried to insert the picture. I get the feeling that Satan didn't want this to go out, trying to anger me and lose my patience so that I would walk away. Guess what? I'M STILL HERE!!!
Hi Everybody ....... :)
I've been off-line for the past week. Been waiting for the fix-it guy to come out and fix the connection. All this time, being patient, and then the guy didn't want to come out because it was raining where he was!?! Enough was enough!!! So when he arrived and it wasn't raining, he finally found the problem and fixed the $2.00 part. Now that I've gotten all my mail, and 2 no-go's on this blog out of the way I'll try it again!!!
Why do we have more patience with a stranger or even a friend and not with a family member? The truth?!? Your family member is an easier target. There are so many factors to why!!! Bad day at work, traffic on the way home, just plain tired, etc.. How often do we lose our patience with a loved one? Why?
Back in Feb. 2008 while reading about Job and his patience I was inspired to write something about Patience and the Holy Spirit again help me put my feeling in perspective for all to make since from, I pray.
Through My Mind’s Eye
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ
Being or having patience is a unique quality that most of us have trouble with. We want what we want right now or worse, yesterday. When we lose our patience it opens the doors to anger, stress and stupidity. We are then prone to saying and doing things that are all too often regrettable and end up hurting not just ourselves but mostly the people around us. And that makes Satan happier than a pig with its face buried in slop.
Feel like testing your patience level? Forget about the news or driving down the road, which is bad enough; try pushing a shopping cart around Wal-Mart for an hour. The only time I can do it is when I prepare myself beforehand. How can this be done you ask? P R A Y ! Yes you pray. Put on a smile, think happy thoughts and ask the Lord for patience. He waited patiently a long time for me to come to him and have my heart filled with his Love, and Understanding. Therefore it would be wrong for me not to show that same patience with others. I just need that gentle nudge once in awhile from him as a reminder. Although there are times I have had to ask him for a muzzle! And he is always ready to oblige, sometimes even when I don’t ask, and I sure do thank him for that.
1 Thessalonians 5:14 “Now we exhort you, brethren, warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all.”
2 Timothy 2:23-26 “But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife. (24) And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all able to teach, patient, (25) in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, (26) and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.”
James 5:8-11 “You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand. (9) Do not grumble against one another, brethren, lest you be condemned. Behold, the Judge is standing at the door! (10) My Brethren, take the prophets, who spoke in the name of the Lord, as an example of suffering and patience. (11) Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord _ that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.”
The next time you feel yourself getting a little inpatient with the Lord for one reason or another, remember this, His patience with us, in all that we say or don’t say, in all that we do or don’t do, is Never-Ending.
Thank you Father God for all you have done, all you are doing and all that will be. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Util next time; remember, JLY & MGBYAKY
Love to All Skippy/Cochise
P.S. IT WORKED THIS TIME!!! Can I take a nap now?
Monday, October 5, 2009
More to think about
Hi everybody ……. :)
Monday – Monday – Monday!!! Been thinking and thinking about which inspirational to send your way next. They are all good, at least I think so. Let me take another look through my folder and see which one jumps out at me.
Ok – The Holy Spirit showed me two that would go really good together. The first one will give you something to really think about and the second one will show you where you will find all the answers to your questions.
Through my mind’s Eye
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ
How many skeletons do you have hanging in your closet? I don’t think there is one person that doesn’t have at least one hanging in their closet, hopefully collecting dust.
Those skeletons are what Jesus died for, our sins and the more dust they collect, the better we are in walking with our Lord. But look out for Satan, he is constantly tempting us to reach in there, grab hold of that skeleton and shake off the dust. Sometimes it’s hard isn’t it, standing there, looking at that skeleton and all the feel good fleshy desires that it brought us.
Acts 3:19 – Repent ye therefore, and be converted {turn again}, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;
There are times when I open that closet door and there before me are my many skeletons just waiting for me to grab one or more and shake the dust from them and appease Satan with a victory. My walk with Christ will not allow this to happen. Many times I have seen those skeletons hanging there. At first they scared me, wanting me to reach out to them. But I quickly learned that all I had to do was ask the Lord to remove them from my sight and He would Lovingly shut that door once again.
It is not our Lord God that opens that closet door, it is our own weak fleshy desires that Satan preys upon. It could be a word, a smell/odor, or something we see and the door to our skeleton closet is opened, temptation staring back at us, urging us to reach out and grab sin by the hand and go for a disgraceful walk with Lucifer. Matthew 26:41 – Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
It does not matter where your walk is with Jesus, shut your eyes, fold your hands and ask our Lord God to shut that door. No matter how many times in a day, week, month or year, he will shut that door every time, all you need to do is ask. II. Thessalonians 3:3 – But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.
Thank you Lord for everything you have done, everything are doing, and everything that will be done. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Look around you my brothers and sisters!
Do you see her?
You can’t miss her!
She’s right here before you.
She’s as big as life itself!
What is she you ask?
The most wonderful thing you can take a ride on!
She’s been around for a long time.
Been feared and hated, scorned and torn, beaten,
bruised and burned, and yet she still survives
because of all those who try to understand her,
live by her and love her.
She was once only meant for High Priests
And has only been within our grasp for a few
hundred years.
I call her the Ark of Life
And why not? It seems only appropriate.
Back in the pages of Genesis God had Noah build an
Ark to float on the waters he sent forth to cleanse
the earth of all sin.
In the pages of Exodus God commissioned an Ark
of the Covenant be built for the High Priests to
make tithes and offerings and commune with him.
And Jesus, God’s only son, was and still is, the Ark of
Mercy and Grace.
And the whole time these things were coming about,
And much much more
The Bible, the Word of God, the Good Book,
Gods Ark of life, was being put together
for generations to come so that we might sail on
into that eternal life with our Father God through
his Son and our Lord and Savior, Jesus.
Do you see her now? She’s bigger than life itself!
Step on board and feel your luggage, your burdens
be lifted from you.
Feel God’s Mercy, Grace and Love surround you.
Your seas may get ruff at times
But with Jesus at the helm
She will never sink!!!
Thank you Father God. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Well, there they are. Until next time –
Remember, JLY & MGBYAKY
Love to all Skippy/Cochise
Monday – Monday – Monday!!! Been thinking and thinking about which inspirational to send your way next. They are all good, at least I think so. Let me take another look through my folder and see which one jumps out at me.
Ok – The Holy Spirit showed me two that would go really good together. The first one will give you something to really think about and the second one will show you where you will find all the answers to your questions.
Through my mind’s Eye
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ
How many skeletons do you have hanging in your closet? I don’t think there is one person that doesn’t have at least one hanging in their closet, hopefully collecting dust.
Those skeletons are what Jesus died for, our sins and the more dust they collect, the better we are in walking with our Lord. But look out for Satan, he is constantly tempting us to reach in there, grab hold of that skeleton and shake off the dust. Sometimes it’s hard isn’t it, standing there, looking at that skeleton and all the feel good fleshy desires that it brought us.
Acts 3:19 – Repent ye therefore, and be converted {turn again}, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;
There are times when I open that closet door and there before me are my many skeletons just waiting for me to grab one or more and shake the dust from them and appease Satan with a victory. My walk with Christ will not allow this to happen. Many times I have seen those skeletons hanging there. At first they scared me, wanting me to reach out to them. But I quickly learned that all I had to do was ask the Lord to remove them from my sight and He would Lovingly shut that door once again.
It is not our Lord God that opens that closet door, it is our own weak fleshy desires that Satan preys upon. It could be a word, a smell/odor, or something we see and the door to our skeleton closet is opened, temptation staring back at us, urging us to reach out and grab sin by the hand and go for a disgraceful walk with Lucifer. Matthew 26:41 – Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
It does not matter where your walk is with Jesus, shut your eyes, fold your hands and ask our Lord God to shut that door. No matter how many times in a day, week, month or year, he will shut that door every time, all you need to do is ask. II. Thessalonians 3:3 – But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.
Thank you Lord for everything you have done, everything are doing, and everything that will be done. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Look around you my brothers and sisters!
Do you see her?
You can’t miss her!
She’s right here before you.
She’s as big as life itself!
What is she you ask?
The most wonderful thing you can take a ride on!
She’s been around for a long time.
Been feared and hated, scorned and torn, beaten,
bruised and burned, and yet she still survives
because of all those who try to understand her,
live by her and love her.
She was once only meant for High Priests
And has only been within our grasp for a few
hundred years.
I call her the Ark of Life
And why not? It seems only appropriate.
Back in the pages of Genesis God had Noah build an
Ark to float on the waters he sent forth to cleanse
the earth of all sin.
In the pages of Exodus God commissioned an Ark
of the Covenant be built for the High Priests to
make tithes and offerings and commune with him.
And Jesus, God’s only son, was and still is, the Ark of
Mercy and Grace.
And the whole time these things were coming about,
And much much more
The Bible, the Word of God, the Good Book,
Gods Ark of life, was being put together
for generations to come so that we might sail on
into that eternal life with our Father God through
his Son and our Lord and Savior, Jesus.
Do you see her now? She’s bigger than life itself!
Step on board and feel your luggage, your burdens
be lifted from you.
Feel God’s Mercy, Grace and Love surround you.
Your seas may get ruff at times
But with Jesus at the helm
She will never sink!!!
Thank you Father God. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Well, there they are. Until next time –
Remember, JLY & MGBYAKY
Love to all Skippy/Cochise
Monday, September 28, 2009
Awesome Wonders

Hi Everybody ……. :)
The last three days have been fairly nice to me. Have you ever heard the song “I Can’t Even Walk without You Holding My Hand”? Powerful!! Absolutely Powerful!! An old song sung by many but Kathy and I really enjoy the way Luther Barnes put it together, live. We danced to it at our son Scotts wedding, the first time I ever danced with my wife since we’ve been married, it took 23 years. A truly wonderful experience, only the two of us on the dance floor. Had to mention this because the song cued up to play when I started to write. Hope I can get to today’s inspirational, there are a lot of good songs on this CD that make you want to sing, dance or just think and cry some happy tears.
Ok, let me give it a shot.
I went through my book and picked out a couple possibilities that I wanted to share with you. Thought about them while having breakfast then looked at them again and asked our Lord which one and this is what he picked.
I wrote it back in April 2008. I pray it touches your heart as well as a pleasant memory you have encountered of God’s many awesome wonders, they are endless.
Through My Mind’s Eye
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ
Awesome Wonders
Have you ever stopped to consider just how many Awesome Wonders there are in the world? Here it is midnight, and I cannot sleep because I was thinking of my most favorite hymn, “How Great Thou Art”. I tried to ignore it because of the time but the Holy Spirit had different ideas about the subject, so here we are.
There are a lot of good songs and hymns that worship and praise the Lord but this one has always hit home with me. A Swedish pastor, editor, and member of the Swedish parliament, Mr. Carl Gustaf Boberg wrote this after he watched a severe thunderstorm pass and heard a church bell off in the distance, and was published in 1891 as “O Great God”. Skipping a little bit of history, George Beverly Shea sang this hymn in 1954 at a Billy Graham evangelistic team crusade in London and later sang it over 100 times during a Billy Graham revival crusade in New York.
There are a lot of songs and hymns that touch my heart and soul but none like this one, it says it all.
O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder,
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;
I see the stars; I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
When through the woods, and forest glades I wander,
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees.
When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur
And see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze.
Somewhere back in the cobwebs of my memory I vaguely remember hearing or reading something about scientist saying that we are drawn to the mountains, the oceans and storms because of the positive or negative ions that they produce. What little do they know? Not so much the ocean but I have always been drawn to the mountains because of the peaceful serenity and the feeling of being closer to God. Where the only man made thing you hear is the spinning reel as you toss your bait out into the lake, river, brook or stream. And the storms have always reminded me of not just the amazing beauty that they create but of Gods almighty power.
And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing;
Sent him to die, I scarce can take it in;
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin.
When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation,
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration,
And then proclaim: “My God, how great Thou art!”
Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
I have known this all my life and accepted it and understood it but only to a point where I didn’t want it to interfere with my fleshy desires. You might say I was riding that fence, wanting but not wanting to commit to the Lord. Yes there is a testimony here and the Lord has wanted me to share it with you but he has graciously given me the time I have asked for. I believe that it will mean a lot more not just for me but for you when that time arrives.
Well, have you had enough time to think about just how many Awesome wonders there are? What about the “7 Wonders of the World”? In the Ancient World there were:
1. The Great Pyramids of Giza – 2700 to 2300 B.C.
2. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon – 600 B.C.
3. Temple of Diana at Ephesus – 555 B.C.
4. The Statue of Zeus – 430 B.C.
5. The Mausoleum of Halikarnassos – 353 B.C.
6. The Colossus of Rhodes – 280 B.C.
7. The Lighthouse of Alexandria – 279 B.C.
The New 7 Wonders are:
1. The Great Wall of China – 220 B.C. & 1368 to 1644 A.D.
2. Petra, Jordan – 9 B.C. to 40 A.D.
3. The Colosseum, Rome 70 to 82 A.D.
4. The Pyramid at Chichen Itza, Mexico – before 800 A.D.
5. Machu Picchu, Peru – 1460 to 1470
6. The Taj Mahal, India 1630
7. Christ Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro – 1931
Have you ever heard the saying; God built the Ark – man built the Titanic? Every one of these Wonders were built by man and even though they are something to look at there was and is only ONE AWESOME WONDER. And that is the WORLD that God created for his other creation, MANKIND. From as far North is South and East is West, from the highest of mountains to the deepest ocean and everything in-between.
Stop, look and listen, God is everywhere!
Well there it is, something to really think about. Until next time;
Remember - - JLY & MGBYAKY
Love to All Skippy/Cochise
The last three days have been fairly nice to me. Have you ever heard the song “I Can’t Even Walk without You Holding My Hand”? Powerful!! Absolutely Powerful!! An old song sung by many but Kathy and I really enjoy the way Luther Barnes put it together, live. We danced to it at our son Scotts wedding, the first time I ever danced with my wife since we’ve been married, it took 23 years. A truly wonderful experience, only the two of us on the dance floor. Had to mention this because the song cued up to play when I started to write. Hope I can get to today’s inspirational, there are a lot of good songs on this CD that make you want to sing, dance or just think and cry some happy tears.
Ok, let me give it a shot.
I went through my book and picked out a couple possibilities that I wanted to share with you. Thought about them while having breakfast then looked at them again and asked our Lord which one and this is what he picked.
I wrote it back in April 2008. I pray it touches your heart as well as a pleasant memory you have encountered of God’s many awesome wonders, they are endless.
Through My Mind’s Eye
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ
Awesome Wonders
Have you ever stopped to consider just how many Awesome Wonders there are in the world? Here it is midnight, and I cannot sleep because I was thinking of my most favorite hymn, “How Great Thou Art”. I tried to ignore it because of the time but the Holy Spirit had different ideas about the subject, so here we are.
There are a lot of good songs and hymns that worship and praise the Lord but this one has always hit home with me. A Swedish pastor, editor, and member of the Swedish parliament, Mr. Carl Gustaf Boberg wrote this after he watched a severe thunderstorm pass and heard a church bell off in the distance, and was published in 1891 as “O Great God”. Skipping a little bit of history, George Beverly Shea sang this hymn in 1954 at a Billy Graham evangelistic team crusade in London and later sang it over 100 times during a Billy Graham revival crusade in New York.
There are a lot of songs and hymns that touch my heart and soul but none like this one, it says it all.
O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder,
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;
I see the stars; I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
When through the woods, and forest glades I wander,
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees.
When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur
And see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze.
Somewhere back in the cobwebs of my memory I vaguely remember hearing or reading something about scientist saying that we are drawn to the mountains, the oceans and storms because of the positive or negative ions that they produce. What little do they know? Not so much the ocean but I have always been drawn to the mountains because of the peaceful serenity and the feeling of being closer to God. Where the only man made thing you hear is the spinning reel as you toss your bait out into the lake, river, brook or stream. And the storms have always reminded me of not just the amazing beauty that they create but of Gods almighty power.
And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing;
Sent him to die, I scarce can take it in;
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin.
When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation,
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration,
And then proclaim: “My God, how great Thou art!”
Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
I have known this all my life and accepted it and understood it but only to a point where I didn’t want it to interfere with my fleshy desires. You might say I was riding that fence, wanting but not wanting to commit to the Lord. Yes there is a testimony here and the Lord has wanted me to share it with you but he has graciously given me the time I have asked for. I believe that it will mean a lot more not just for me but for you when that time arrives.
Well, have you had enough time to think about just how many Awesome wonders there are? What about the “7 Wonders of the World”? In the Ancient World there were:
1. The Great Pyramids of Giza – 2700 to 2300 B.C.
2. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon – 600 B.C.
3. Temple of Diana at Ephesus – 555 B.C.
4. The Statue of Zeus – 430 B.C.
5. The Mausoleum of Halikarnassos – 353 B.C.
6. The Colossus of Rhodes – 280 B.C.
7. The Lighthouse of Alexandria – 279 B.C.
The New 7 Wonders are:
1. The Great Wall of China – 220 B.C. & 1368 to 1644 A.D.
2. Petra, Jordan – 9 B.C. to 40 A.D.
3. The Colosseum, Rome 70 to 82 A.D.
4. The Pyramid at Chichen Itza, Mexico – before 800 A.D.
5. Machu Picchu, Peru – 1460 to 1470
6. The Taj Mahal, India 1630
7. Christ Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro – 1931
Have you ever heard the saying; God built the Ark – man built the Titanic? Every one of these Wonders were built by man and even though they are something to look at there was and is only ONE AWESOME WONDER. And that is the WORLD that God created for his other creation, MANKIND. From as far North is South and East is West, from the highest of mountains to the deepest ocean and everything in-between.
Stop, look and listen, God is everywhere!
Well there it is, something to really think about. Until next time;
Remember - - JLY & MGBYAKY
Love to All Skippy/Cochise
P.S. After fighting with this program for about 20 minutes about where I wanted to put the picture, at the bottom of the blog, if you would please scan back up to the top of this blog you will notice, if you hadn't already, the picture I took from my back yard, somewhere around march 2007, I think. Anyway, what I am really trying to get accross is the beauty of the sunrise, painted by our Lord God Almighty. Nobody paints a better picture and the nice thing about it is that each and every morning is a different picture, an awesome wonder to behold, a gift of beauty for us to enjoy. In Jesus' name, thank you Father God.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Three for the Road?!?
Hi Everyone ……. :)
It’s another glorious day. We’ve been getting some rain on and off; just enough to get things wet then it backs off for awhile. I love the smell, pure and fresh.
Kathy just got done checking with unemployment to see if they had any prospects matching her resume’ so I thought I would take my turn at the computer and add some inspirationals. I looked through my book of about 30 that I have written and decided, with the Holy Spirits help of course, on three that we feel should come next on this thing they call a blog. I have them in order that they were written but for you to get a better feel for what has happened to me and what I am praying will help you find that thing that is missing in your life right now, I have asked the Holy Spirit to help me place them in the perfect order for you to read.
Have you ever tried to type, or even think about what you wanted to say when tears filled your eyes and flowed down your cheeks? “The Old Man is Dead” by Del Way, does it to me every time. I guess you could say I do connect with that song. Just one of many.
Ok, back to the inspirationals, words to think about. They are all pretty much self explanatory as to why they were written. If you do have any questions and/or comments please feel free, I will read each and every one of them and answer all questions to the best of my ability.
Through My Mind’s Eye
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ
My Own Little World
As I sat in church last night listening to our pastor, fidgeting, trying to get comfortable because of one pain or another, the Holy Spirit told me WHY!
Almost at the end of our pastor’s message is when I heard what was meant for me, personally.
I have been struggling with what I can write about next for an inspirational and it is because of all these great testimonies and other inspirational’s I’ve been reading. I have mentally beat myself up thinking that my little inspirational’s are not as powerful as what I have been reading, failing to remember and understand that it was and is the Holy Spirit that helps me put them together.
What’s next? I have no idea. And I find myself getting frustrated sometimes when it doesn’t happen when I think it should. Now I don’t remember exactly what was said but it had to do with my little world and the others I touch and the steps I must take for God to grace me with the next level / phase that he has planned for me. When and where that will happen only God knows and it is up to me, no matter how insignificant I may think it is where I am on my ladder to the top. I know right now that I must have and show more faith in my Lord and he has put me here for a purpose, his will not mine.
Part of last night’s message was on John 14:1-4 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that were I am, there you may be also. 4 And were I go you know, and the way you know.”
My place here on earth is simple. I feel more at home and at peace with Jesus and our Father God in a log cabin out in the woods than I would in a mansion in the city. And if we stop and think about it, it does not matter if we bed down on leaves and pine needles or a down filled mattress, Jesus is with us always.
So right now I am happy that the Holy Spirit guides me in my little endeavors’ to bring you these inspirational’s. Waiting for God to show me my next step, praying that my inner ear is tuned in to listen for what He has planned for me.
In Jesus’ name, Thank You.
The Fence
Bradley C. Barnett
When we come into this world we are as pure and innocent as a clear sweet mountain spring. As we grow, that spring becomes a babbling brook, then a crooked little creak and into a winding stream, ever growing as we make our trip through our young life. At one point in our journey we are finally connected to the main worldly river that seems to flow on forever. We encounter the rapids and waterfalls of everyday living, beautiful but dangerous and we try our best to dodge the rocks through the rapids and look for that soft landing as we go over the falls, so that we may enjoy the peaceful flow through the meadows.
Along our journey we see ugly, bad and good things that change our direction from time to time and as we grow we build our fence. A fence that, for some reason is never quit high enough; we can always see what’s on the other side. Some of us even sit upon that fence, not quite sure about one side or the other. Wanting to jump down on the good side of life but being urged to explore the ugly bad side. Whether it be made of wood or stones it makes no difference, your fence is your fence and no others.
I sat upon my fence for a very long time until one day an open door appeared and I jumped down to see where it lead. For some reason I did not hesitate, I walked right through that open door, right into the arms of Jesus. He had been patiently waiting for me and when he heard my heart crying out for reassurance, understanding and love he was there, door wide open with outstretched arms to hold and comfort me. It was like a bear hug, strong but gentle, secure and shielded from everything bad and ugly.
My fence, with his help, is being built higher so that I will not be able to climb up on or over it ever again. I will still be able to see the other side, to keep me aware of the ugly bad things coming my way and that’s the way Jesus wants it, so I won’t be blindsided and I can direct it all to him to take care of.
When I walked through that door and wept in his arms I knew right then that the trip down the river, through the rapids and over the falls, that when I make that final bend in the river, there is the calm sea waiting to embrace me with all HIS GLORY. Thank You Jesus for all you have done, all that you do and all that you will do.
The Hands We are Blessed With
Are you here to see what life has to offer you, or what you have to offer life?
I read a very touching story recently about an old woman in her winter years of life explaining to her daughter why she was staring at her hands and how they served her throughout her years. Where she had been and the ruggedness of life. Of everything that her hands had done, she knew that it would be those hands that God would reach out and take when it was her time for him to lead her home so she could touch the face of Christ.
As I read, I looked at my hands, once hard and callused, now turning soft and gentle. All the trouble they got me into and all the trouble they got me out of. I thought of my favorite hymn, “How Great thou Art” and the verse that says; “Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;”, And I realized at that moment, it is not I, it was/is he, God Almighty that blessed me with the talent of using my hands in many different ways. Not just to take care of myself and my family but to help others whose talents may differ from mine.
Jesus always had and still does, have his hands extended out for us to grab onto. All we have to do is trust in him and have faith that he won’t let go. My hands no longer work like they use to but I am thankful for the good that they have done and blessed that they still know how to fold in prayer.
Take a few minutes and really look at your hands. What have they done for another lately? “Give and you shall be given”, not just spiritually but with a kind lending hand as needed, asking nothing nor expecting anything in return. Because it’s not just the tithes or offerings we give to God through the Church, it’s the physical labor and time that we give to others that we will receive many folds over.
I thank God that my hands are still able to bang out these words to you that the Holy Spirit has helped me put together. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
Well, there they are. I pray that there is something there that will trigger a nerve. If not, that’s ok, maybe next time.
Remember - - JLY & MGBYAKY
Love to All Skippy/Cochise
It’s another glorious day. We’ve been getting some rain on and off; just enough to get things wet then it backs off for awhile. I love the smell, pure and fresh.
Kathy just got done checking with unemployment to see if they had any prospects matching her resume’ so I thought I would take my turn at the computer and add some inspirationals. I looked through my book of about 30 that I have written and decided, with the Holy Spirits help of course, on three that we feel should come next on this thing they call a blog. I have them in order that they were written but for you to get a better feel for what has happened to me and what I am praying will help you find that thing that is missing in your life right now, I have asked the Holy Spirit to help me place them in the perfect order for you to read.
Have you ever tried to type, or even think about what you wanted to say when tears filled your eyes and flowed down your cheeks? “The Old Man is Dead” by Del Way, does it to me every time. I guess you could say I do connect with that song. Just one of many.
Ok, back to the inspirationals, words to think about. They are all pretty much self explanatory as to why they were written. If you do have any questions and/or comments please feel free, I will read each and every one of them and answer all questions to the best of my ability.
Through My Mind’s Eye
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ
My Own Little World
As I sat in church last night listening to our pastor, fidgeting, trying to get comfortable because of one pain or another, the Holy Spirit told me WHY!
Almost at the end of our pastor’s message is when I heard what was meant for me, personally.
I have been struggling with what I can write about next for an inspirational and it is because of all these great testimonies and other inspirational’s I’ve been reading. I have mentally beat myself up thinking that my little inspirational’s are not as powerful as what I have been reading, failing to remember and understand that it was and is the Holy Spirit that helps me put them together.
What’s next? I have no idea. And I find myself getting frustrated sometimes when it doesn’t happen when I think it should. Now I don’t remember exactly what was said but it had to do with my little world and the others I touch and the steps I must take for God to grace me with the next level / phase that he has planned for me. When and where that will happen only God knows and it is up to me, no matter how insignificant I may think it is where I am on my ladder to the top. I know right now that I must have and show more faith in my Lord and he has put me here for a purpose, his will not mine.
Part of last night’s message was on John 14:1-4 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that were I am, there you may be also. 4 And were I go you know, and the way you know.”
My place here on earth is simple. I feel more at home and at peace with Jesus and our Father God in a log cabin out in the woods than I would in a mansion in the city. And if we stop and think about it, it does not matter if we bed down on leaves and pine needles or a down filled mattress, Jesus is with us always.
So right now I am happy that the Holy Spirit guides me in my little endeavors’ to bring you these inspirational’s. Waiting for God to show me my next step, praying that my inner ear is tuned in to listen for what He has planned for me.
In Jesus’ name, Thank You.
The Fence
Bradley C. Barnett
When we come into this world we are as pure and innocent as a clear sweet mountain spring. As we grow, that spring becomes a babbling brook, then a crooked little creak and into a winding stream, ever growing as we make our trip through our young life. At one point in our journey we are finally connected to the main worldly river that seems to flow on forever. We encounter the rapids and waterfalls of everyday living, beautiful but dangerous and we try our best to dodge the rocks through the rapids and look for that soft landing as we go over the falls, so that we may enjoy the peaceful flow through the meadows.
Along our journey we see ugly, bad and good things that change our direction from time to time and as we grow we build our fence. A fence that, for some reason is never quit high enough; we can always see what’s on the other side. Some of us even sit upon that fence, not quite sure about one side or the other. Wanting to jump down on the good side of life but being urged to explore the ugly bad side. Whether it be made of wood or stones it makes no difference, your fence is your fence and no others.
I sat upon my fence for a very long time until one day an open door appeared and I jumped down to see where it lead. For some reason I did not hesitate, I walked right through that open door, right into the arms of Jesus. He had been patiently waiting for me and when he heard my heart crying out for reassurance, understanding and love he was there, door wide open with outstretched arms to hold and comfort me. It was like a bear hug, strong but gentle, secure and shielded from everything bad and ugly.
My fence, with his help, is being built higher so that I will not be able to climb up on or over it ever again. I will still be able to see the other side, to keep me aware of the ugly bad things coming my way and that’s the way Jesus wants it, so I won’t be blindsided and I can direct it all to him to take care of.
When I walked through that door and wept in his arms I knew right then that the trip down the river, through the rapids and over the falls, that when I make that final bend in the river, there is the calm sea waiting to embrace me with all HIS GLORY. Thank You Jesus for all you have done, all that you do and all that you will do.
The Hands We are Blessed With
Are you here to see what life has to offer you, or what you have to offer life?
I read a very touching story recently about an old woman in her winter years of life explaining to her daughter why she was staring at her hands and how they served her throughout her years. Where she had been and the ruggedness of life. Of everything that her hands had done, she knew that it would be those hands that God would reach out and take when it was her time for him to lead her home so she could touch the face of Christ.
As I read, I looked at my hands, once hard and callused, now turning soft and gentle. All the trouble they got me into and all the trouble they got me out of. I thought of my favorite hymn, “How Great thou Art” and the verse that says; “Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;”, And I realized at that moment, it is not I, it was/is he, God Almighty that blessed me with the talent of using my hands in many different ways. Not just to take care of myself and my family but to help others whose talents may differ from mine.
Jesus always had and still does, have his hands extended out for us to grab onto. All we have to do is trust in him and have faith that he won’t let go. My hands no longer work like they use to but I am thankful for the good that they have done and blessed that they still know how to fold in prayer.
Take a few minutes and really look at your hands. What have they done for another lately? “Give and you shall be given”, not just spiritually but with a kind lending hand as needed, asking nothing nor expecting anything in return. Because it’s not just the tithes or offerings we give to God through the Church, it’s the physical labor and time that we give to others that we will receive many folds over.
I thank God that my hands are still able to bang out these words to you that the Holy Spirit has helped me put together. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
Well, there they are. I pray that there is something there that will trigger a nerve. If not, that’s ok, maybe next time.
Remember - - JLY & MGBYAKY
Love to All Skippy/Cochise
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
In addition // Setting the tone
Wow! What have I stepped into here? I pray that it will be something good for all of us. Let me start by adding something I wrote back in April 2008. I had already written about 9 other inspirational’s when I felt the need to explain why I was writing.
Through my mind’s eye
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ
Do you know me?
Who am I? Do you know me? I, am me. There is no other! I am a unique person blessed with many talents, given me by my Father God. I am not any more special or better than anyone of you. The knowledge that I have received over the years is what God knew I needed to survive and support my family on His world we live in.
At this point in my life God is using one of my talents he gave me 36 years ago, the knowledge of the typewriter or keyboard as they are called now. It is so much easier and faster to keep up with the Holy Spirit when I am blessed with his presence to help me write the inspirationals I like to write. Many times I need to stop and read what I have just typed out on the screen because my fingers are conveying a message so fast my brain can’t keep up. It’s what happens when you invite the Holy Spirit to become as one with you, to guide you and reassure you of what is supposed to be done. You have an idea or thought that you want to convey and the Holy Spirit takes it and refines it into what we, the Holy Spirit and I, would like to share for everyone’s blessing.
I do not understand or talk in tongues, have the desire to stand behind the pulpit, or grab a microphone and sing. However I do love to write and I have asked the Holy Spirit many times for help and he has helped me every time.
Right about now you are probably asking yourself, ok, so what’s he talking about, what’s he trying to say? As it is written, spoken by Jesus, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:” Matthew 7:7 and, “For every one that asketh, receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” Matthew 7:8.
Now, what we need to remember is that he didn’t say we will receive, find or have the door opened to us that very instant. We are to live by His rules, not ours and when he sees that we are ready then and only then will we receive, find or see the door open for us. I know from experience that this is the way it is because, using my writing for an example, there are times I may have an idea in my head for days before the Holy Spirit says, ok you’re ready. And then I may only type 3 or 4 sentences’ or a paragraph. I take that as a sign He wants me to think about it a little longer and I don’t get discouraged because I know when He thinks I’m ready I get that gentle nudge to sit back down to the keyboard. And that may be a day or even a week later.
I have taken to writing these Inspirationals because of the joy it brings me. To be able to sit with the Holy Spirit, feel his presence and put together something that will reach out and touch you, gives me a wonderful feeling and sense of accomplishment. Do I take credit for what I write? Very little. Because it is with the Holy Spirits guidance that I am able to put things together for you and it is He that I thank and give the credit to.
I am not who or what I was, I am who and what I am now. All because of where I was led and the door that was left open for me to walk through to meet Jesus. I still have all the knowledge of my many talents though I am unable to perform most of them, and some with difficulty. There are times even my fingers have a bit of a problem. I know I hit that key but it did not print. But that’s ok, it isn’t something that can’t be corrected, and my editor, Jesus, is quick to point that out before I get too far ahead of myself.
Now do you know me? I am every one of you, just blessed with a different blessing from God, no more no less. Use your blessing to the fullest and experience something a lot of people don’t know, the wonderful presence of the Holy Spirit. It’s an “E” ticket ride.
Does this help you to see where I intend to take this blog? I have sat on these inspirational’s long enough. It is time for me to let go of what God intended for me to do, what I started to do about two years ago before it came to an end. I pray that this will be the start of something we will all learn from.
Remember – JLY & MGBYAKY
Love to All Me
Through my mind’s eye
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ
Do you know me?
Who am I? Do you know me? I, am me. There is no other! I am a unique person blessed with many talents, given me by my Father God. I am not any more special or better than anyone of you. The knowledge that I have received over the years is what God knew I needed to survive and support my family on His world we live in.
At this point in my life God is using one of my talents he gave me 36 years ago, the knowledge of the typewriter or keyboard as they are called now. It is so much easier and faster to keep up with the Holy Spirit when I am blessed with his presence to help me write the inspirationals I like to write. Many times I need to stop and read what I have just typed out on the screen because my fingers are conveying a message so fast my brain can’t keep up. It’s what happens when you invite the Holy Spirit to become as one with you, to guide you and reassure you of what is supposed to be done. You have an idea or thought that you want to convey and the Holy Spirit takes it and refines it into what we, the Holy Spirit and I, would like to share for everyone’s blessing.
I do not understand or talk in tongues, have the desire to stand behind the pulpit, or grab a microphone and sing. However I do love to write and I have asked the Holy Spirit many times for help and he has helped me every time.
Right about now you are probably asking yourself, ok, so what’s he talking about, what’s he trying to say? As it is written, spoken by Jesus, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:” Matthew 7:7 and, “For every one that asketh, receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” Matthew 7:8.
Now, what we need to remember is that he didn’t say we will receive, find or have the door opened to us that very instant. We are to live by His rules, not ours and when he sees that we are ready then and only then will we receive, find or see the door open for us. I know from experience that this is the way it is because, using my writing for an example, there are times I may have an idea in my head for days before the Holy Spirit says, ok you’re ready. And then I may only type 3 or 4 sentences’ or a paragraph. I take that as a sign He wants me to think about it a little longer and I don’t get discouraged because I know when He thinks I’m ready I get that gentle nudge to sit back down to the keyboard. And that may be a day or even a week later.
I have taken to writing these Inspirationals because of the joy it brings me. To be able to sit with the Holy Spirit, feel his presence and put together something that will reach out and touch you, gives me a wonderful feeling and sense of accomplishment. Do I take credit for what I write? Very little. Because it is with the Holy Spirits guidance that I am able to put things together for you and it is He that I thank and give the credit to.
I am not who or what I was, I am who and what I am now. All because of where I was led and the door that was left open for me to walk through to meet Jesus. I still have all the knowledge of my many talents though I am unable to perform most of them, and some with difficulty. There are times even my fingers have a bit of a problem. I know I hit that key but it did not print. But that’s ok, it isn’t something that can’t be corrected, and my editor, Jesus, is quick to point that out before I get too far ahead of myself.
Now do you know me? I am every one of you, just blessed with a different blessing from God, no more no less. Use your blessing to the fullest and experience something a lot of people don’t know, the wonderful presence of the Holy Spirit. It’s an “E” ticket ride.
Does this help you to see where I intend to take this blog? I have sat on these inspirational’s long enough. It is time for me to let go of what God intended for me to do, what I started to do about two years ago before it came to an end. I pray that this will be the start of something we will all learn from.
Remember – JLY & MGBYAKY
Love to All Me
Monday, September 21, 2009
Dear Kathy Tuesday 03 July 2007
I have a little story that I believe has affected me in a big way that I would like to share with you. It happened today between noon and 2:30 pm.
I left the house about noon to go get the mail and head toward Cameron to look for that camera shop. The shop was supposed to be located next to the VFW Hall on 190, right in the bend of the road. Well it wasn't there so I pulled out of the hall parking lot headed back home when right there were those used cars are I saw an Antique sign. I guess I went about a mile thinking about turning around and out of the blue I did just that. The antique place was out of business but I talked to a nice gentleman that was selling the used cars for about 15 to 20 minutes and he pointed me down the road on the other side of the VFW hall and said to look for a saddle maker's shop where he thought there is an antique shop also. I pulled into the parking lot and noticed the saddle maker's sign but I didn't see anything about antiques. Anyway, I turned off the engine and sat there for a couple of minutes and then dicided to leave. I started the truck and backed out a ways and then pulled right back in. I was thinking, well maybe this person could point me in the right direction. Little did I know that the direction I was taking was one that the Lord was taking me. We talked for a little while and for some reason the conversation lead towards the Lord and Jesus. I don't know wh but I felt very comfortable talking with this total stranger about the Bible, the Lord, Jesus, and how they affect our lives. It was actually very pleasant to talk with him and I enjoyed it. When I was getting ready to leave so he could get back to work he stopped me and told me that when I first walked in, the Lord had told him that I need help and he gave me what he had in his wallet, this $25.00. He had me in tears because at no time did I even hint about needing money, all I told him was that I had some things that I didn't need anymore and was looking for a place I might get a few bucks for them. As he was digging through his wallet I had the urge to just turn and leave but my feet were glued to the floor. I could not reach out my hand and take the kindness that he was offering, so he put it in my t-shirt pocket. I couldn't even look at it until I got home. This man has reassured me that there are still some good people around. I hadn't meant one in a very long time. He invited me to church this Sunday and I think that I would like to go. It is the church right before Brookshire Brothers heading into Cameron. Service starts at 10:00 and is usually over between 11:30 and 12:00.
This mans name is Woody Spinks and I hope I never forget it
Happy 21st. MGBYAKY I LOVE YOU >>>--Cochise-->
When Kathy got home that evening I met her out in the driveway to give her that letter with the $25.00 in it. As she got out of the car she told me she was on empty and I cried as I gave her the letter. You see, we were scraping the bottom of the barrel, she had to go to work the next day, which was also payday, but she needed gas money to go put in a days work and get her paycheck. My life changed at that very instant because the Lord was the only one that knew what was going to happen that afternoon.
MGBYAKY Love to All Me
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