Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Delayed thought to last post

Hi Everybody again ....... :)
Right as I posted that last blog this came to mind that I believe goes very well with it. Please read them together for a better outlook on a positive concept. Thank you.

What Color is your Blood?

What color is your blood? Is it brown, tan, white, yellow, black or green? I think not! It is RED, just like mine. Just like the blood that Jesus shed for all of us to save us from OUR sins. Then why is it so hard for some of us to see past the surface? If you are green and I am purple, does it matter? What should really matter to us all is that our blood is the same color as the Son of Man. When we get a cut we wash it off and put a band aid on it to stop the bleeding and keep the dirt and germs out of it so it does not ge infected. Did you know that Jesus is the band aid for our souls, a gift of unselfish love and forgiveness from his father and our creator, Lord God Almighty? Jesus was sacrificed to keep all the worldly infectious impurities from infecting our souls but it is up to us to keep that band aid in place.
You ask me why I compare Jesus to a band aid? Because of the principle of the protection that is offered to us. Just as we use a band aid to shield and protect our cut, Jesus is the shield to protect our souls. All that need be done is make sure that he is applied 24/7.

Friday, 21 Sep. 2007 Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Good post Skippy. I used that analogy when teaching all the time...."If you peeled your skin off, we'd look identical. Lots of bones, muscles and your blood would be red just like mine! Now, get off your racial horse, and let's get back to doing our school work!!!!" Or course the idea of peeling off skin usually got them to be I won either way.

    Now, let me stir the pot a little for you...Is equal the same as fair? Our government says that we have to all have equal opportunities. But is that fair? Think about it.

    Shalom, Spitfire
