Saturday 5 September 2009
I am just like many of you; struggling to understand the why’s, what for’s and how comes of the life of a Christian. I have always been a Christian in my heart but not in my mind. I became a Born Again Christian on July 3rd 2007 and for about the first year and a half I ate up everything I could about my new life I have taken.
Have you ever been Born Again? Do you remember what it was like? I reached out to the Holy Spirit many times with things that I wanted to share with others. And as I sat at my keyboard and sometimes wept as the Holy Spirit guided my thoughts and feelings onto paper I wondered if what was being written would reach and inspire others.
I haven’t written a lot lately. It’s been hard for me to connect with the couple of things I have tried to write about, still unfinished. And it’s been really hard on me because I don’t know why!
Sunday 25 October 2009
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and some praying (probably should be doing more praying) lately and I still don’t have things sorted out (according to me) but I really do believe things are getting back together. I was able to finish two of the inspirations that were started (more recent ones) and feel a lot better about that. I still have about a half dozen unfinished. Wow!!! Maybe that’s it!!! I am supposed to finish what I have started before I am to successfully move on!!! I’ve got one that is over a year old. It’s not really an inspiration; it’s more of a “Hay, Wake up people! I think I’ve been afraid to finish it and I’m not sure why. It could be because I feel that it would just fall on deft ears anyway. I know it would probably make certain people a little upset (like our government)! I think I’ll finish it and put it on my blog and see if anybody is willing enough to make a comment.
I think I know what a big part of my problem is; I am asking questions about the Bible that nobody here on the face of this planet could possibly answer. I am not questioning Gods Word as being the truth; it’s more of wanting to know more details as to the whose, what for’s and how comes. And listening to some theologian try to explain their idea about all that just irritates me! Why can’t they just say “I don’t know”, we will find out when we reach the New Jerusalem.
Am I messing myself up here or what? I think it’s time to take another leap of faith!!! And get that ugly, pesky devil off my back!!! What do you think? Oh Yea, give me an Amen – Amen. Wow, where did that come from? I kind of like it!
When I started this I had no idea as to where it was going to go. Now I understand why the Holy Spirit led me down this path. To open the eyes of my soul to see what I was doing to myself. I really think we should all sit down and explore our souls from time to time to keep us humble and on the straight and narrow.
Thank you Father God for all that you have done, all that you are doing and all that is yet to come. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
Until next time – Remember, JLY + MGBYAKY
Love to All Skippy/Cochise
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Deffinately Constructive Criticism
Hi Everybody ....... :}
I did some thinking on this one I just finished a few hours ago. I have been giving you ones that have been written for awhile, you know, trying to keep things in a semi kind of order. But really, what kind of order you may try to keep doesn't compair to the conviction of the order the Holy Spirit puts on you, right? So here it is.
Through My Mind’s Eye
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ
Being Judgmental or just Constructive Criticism
I started this this morning, this being Sunday, October 18, 2009, while sitting in church. These words were just coming to me and I had to write them down. It started almost immediately during the praise and worship and went on until almost the end of the service with only a couple breaks. Yes, I heard most everything that was going on and even stood once to praise our Lord during a special worship song.
Who am I to think things should be different from the way they are? I feel like an outsider looking in, seeing the way things are, knowing things aren’t right, thinking my words will fall on deaf ears. Day by day concern and irritation building, I must give this to my Lord now or it will destroy me and all that I have been working for; my walk with my Lord and Savior, Jesus. This is not my burden to carry, or is it? I can’t help the way I feel! It’s sometimes so impossible to smile and act like one doesn’t care! I need to continue to ask my Lord to keep me in check, keep his hand over my mouth and muzzle me if need be. It may not be for me to say or act on such a burden that I have taken upon myself, or have I? Am I being prepared, groomed for what God’s Will need’s be done? Why have these things been shown to me now? This is the question that is troubling me! Why?!
There are so many things, some trivial one may think, but still wrong in a wrongful way. Others are and or could be Sevier in such a way that someone could get hurt. The fact remains, wisdom has been ignored for the purpose of what; being ignorant of others around and/or involved, directly or indirectly? I think of James right now, chapter 1, verses 5 – 8; 5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. 6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. 7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. 8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
Here is where I ask myself; am I being driven with the wind and tossed like a wave? At times I do feel tossed, tossed like a piece of driftwood among the rivers rapids, the current not allowing me to continue on down to the sea. I know that this is my impatience, not letting God deal with things in his own time, wanting to be right in my feelings, praying that it is He that has shown me these things and not my own doings. I don’t consider myself a double minded man and I’m not angry, just concerned and a bit irritated. I believe my irritation stems from the feeling that whatever I say will be ignored because I don’t have all the bible learning as most. But on the other hand, I can’t help thinking, what if God has chosen me as a messenger? Why doesn’t He just go right to the source? If that was the case, then why did he choose all the men and women in the Bible to spread His word?
As you can see, this old piece of driftwood has more than just a few questions and that is probably why I am stuck in the middle of the rivers rapids, being beat black and blue, bent and broken, waiting for my answers. Is this where Romans 12:2 + 3 comes in? 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
Did you know that we think more of our pets with all their needs than we do about another human being? If you are really concerned, think long and hard about what I just said. If not, I’m sorry!
I have been hearing about “being critical”, or “criticizing” lately. Is this what I have become, a critic? The dictionary describes “critic”, “critical”, “criticizing”, and “criticism” as be judgmental in a negative manner and we all know what Jesus said in Matthew 7:1 + 2; 1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” Has my mouth slipped into gear on occasion before I could grab the shift lever and something has been said? The Lord knows my heart, I am not being judgmental! It is a “constructive criticism” that I want to convey, a positive outlook as to the things being said and/or done. Does the Bible say anything to this kind of “judgment”? Is not the Bible filled with “constructive criticisms” for Gods children to follow? In Luke 12:57 Yea, and why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right?” What is right? The things that are right morally come from the very depths of your soul; it is the gray matter between your ears that gets things all messed up, wanting to sidestep your true path with Jesus. And in John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” Is my “constructive criticism” / “judgment” righteous?
I know, how can you make a righteous judgment of me and my feelings if you don’t know what they are? Well, if I have anything to say it should be between me and the person and/or persons that I feel have the problems, right? I know that this may be hard to follow but please try. I am trying to convey my dilemma to you to possibly help you with something of the same nature. Please keep in mind that I don’t do this for pity. I actually feel good with all the words that have been written, it’s called being one with the Holy Spirit!
I found in Proverbs 25:14 +15 14 Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain. 15 By long forbearing is a prince persuaded, and a soft tongue breaketh the bone.” A “soft tongue”, reminds me of another verse out of the New Testament about being slow to anger and slow to speak. I know for a fact that anger begets anger and you can’t talk since into a person that has had too much to drink. A “soft tongue” is so hard for us to do. Am I being groomed for that “soft tongue” before I speak?
I do feel better now that I have put all this down to paper. Thank you my Holy Spirit for the guidance you have shared with me. Thanks to all of you for your patience and reading this. I pray that you were able to get something from this.
Remember; JLY & MGBYAKY
Love to All Skippy/Cochise
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I did some thinking on this one I just finished a few hours ago. I have been giving you ones that have been written for awhile, you know, trying to keep things in a semi kind of order. But really, what kind of order you may try to keep doesn't compair to the conviction of the order the Holy Spirit puts on you, right? So here it is.
Through My Mind’s Eye
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ
Being Judgmental or just Constructive Criticism
I started this this morning, this being Sunday, October 18, 2009, while sitting in church. These words were just coming to me and I had to write them down. It started almost immediately during the praise and worship and went on until almost the end of the service with only a couple breaks. Yes, I heard most everything that was going on and even stood once to praise our Lord during a special worship song.
Who am I to think things should be different from the way they are? I feel like an outsider looking in, seeing the way things are, knowing things aren’t right, thinking my words will fall on deaf ears. Day by day concern and irritation building, I must give this to my Lord now or it will destroy me and all that I have been working for; my walk with my Lord and Savior, Jesus. This is not my burden to carry, or is it? I can’t help the way I feel! It’s sometimes so impossible to smile and act like one doesn’t care! I need to continue to ask my Lord to keep me in check, keep his hand over my mouth and muzzle me if need be. It may not be for me to say or act on such a burden that I have taken upon myself, or have I? Am I being prepared, groomed for what God’s Will need’s be done? Why have these things been shown to me now? This is the question that is troubling me! Why?!
There are so many things, some trivial one may think, but still wrong in a wrongful way. Others are and or could be Sevier in such a way that someone could get hurt. The fact remains, wisdom has been ignored for the purpose of what; being ignorant of others around and/or involved, directly or indirectly? I think of James right now, chapter 1, verses 5 – 8; 5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. 6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. 7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. 8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
Here is where I ask myself; am I being driven with the wind and tossed like a wave? At times I do feel tossed, tossed like a piece of driftwood among the rivers rapids, the current not allowing me to continue on down to the sea. I know that this is my impatience, not letting God deal with things in his own time, wanting to be right in my feelings, praying that it is He that has shown me these things and not my own doings. I don’t consider myself a double minded man and I’m not angry, just concerned and a bit irritated. I believe my irritation stems from the feeling that whatever I say will be ignored because I don’t have all the bible learning as most. But on the other hand, I can’t help thinking, what if God has chosen me as a messenger? Why doesn’t He just go right to the source? If that was the case, then why did he choose all the men and women in the Bible to spread His word?
As you can see, this old piece of driftwood has more than just a few questions and that is probably why I am stuck in the middle of the rivers rapids, being beat black and blue, bent and broken, waiting for my answers. Is this where Romans 12:2 + 3 comes in? 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
Did you know that we think more of our pets with all their needs than we do about another human being? If you are really concerned, think long and hard about what I just said. If not, I’m sorry!
I have been hearing about “being critical”, or “criticizing” lately. Is this what I have become, a critic? The dictionary describes “critic”, “critical”, “criticizing”, and “criticism” as be judgmental in a negative manner and we all know what Jesus said in Matthew 7:1 + 2; 1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” Has my mouth slipped into gear on occasion before I could grab the shift lever and something has been said? The Lord knows my heart, I am not being judgmental! It is a “constructive criticism” that I want to convey, a positive outlook as to the things being said and/or done. Does the Bible say anything to this kind of “judgment”? Is not the Bible filled with “constructive criticisms” for Gods children to follow? In Luke 12:57 Yea, and why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right?” What is right? The things that are right morally come from the very depths of your soul; it is the gray matter between your ears that gets things all messed up, wanting to sidestep your true path with Jesus. And in John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” Is my “constructive criticism” / “judgment” righteous?
I know, how can you make a righteous judgment of me and my feelings if you don’t know what they are? Well, if I have anything to say it should be between me and the person and/or persons that I feel have the problems, right? I know that this may be hard to follow but please try. I am trying to convey my dilemma to you to possibly help you with something of the same nature. Please keep in mind that I don’t do this for pity. I actually feel good with all the words that have been written, it’s called being one with the Holy Spirit!
I found in Proverbs 25:14 +15 14 Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain. 15 By long forbearing is a prince persuaded, and a soft tongue breaketh the bone.” A “soft tongue”, reminds me of another verse out of the New Testament about being slow to anger and slow to speak. I know for a fact that anger begets anger and you can’t talk since into a person that has had too much to drink. A “soft tongue” is so hard for us to do. Am I being groomed for that “soft tongue” before I speak?
I do feel better now that I have put all this down to paper. Thank you my Holy Spirit for the guidance you have shared with me. Thanks to all of you for your patience and reading this. I pray that you were able to get something from this.
Remember; JLY & MGBYAKY
Love to All Skippy/Cochise
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What a mess!!! Take 3 !!! Didn't have to do a restart this time. The picture I was trying to insert into my blog had to have been bugged!!! Not bad, it just kind of messed everything up on the message I was trying to send out. Hay, what's life without a little bit of excitement?!? I had to delete everything again, along with the picture but I did remember to make a copy of it before I tried to insert the picture. I get the feeling that Satan didn't want this to go out, trying to anger me and lose my patience so that I would walk away. Guess what? I'M STILL HERE!!!
Hi Everybody ....... :)
I've been off-line for the past week. Been waiting for the fix-it guy to come out and fix the connection. All this time, being patient, and then the guy didn't want to come out because it was raining where he was!?! Enough was enough!!! So when he arrived and it wasn't raining, he finally found the problem and fixed the $2.00 part. Now that I've gotten all my mail, and 2 no-go's on this blog out of the way I'll try it again!!!
Why do we have more patience with a stranger or even a friend and not with a family member? The truth?!? Your family member is an easier target. There are so many factors to why!!! Bad day at work, traffic on the way home, just plain tired, etc.. How often do we lose our patience with a loved one? Why?
Back in Feb. 2008 while reading about Job and his patience I was inspired to write something about Patience and the Holy Spirit again help me put my feeling in perspective for all to make since from, I pray.
Through My Mind’s Eye
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ
Being or having patience is a unique quality that most of us have trouble with. We want what we want right now or worse, yesterday. When we lose our patience it opens the doors to anger, stress and stupidity. We are then prone to saying and doing things that are all too often regrettable and end up hurting not just ourselves but mostly the people around us. And that makes Satan happier than a pig with its face buried in slop.
Feel like testing your patience level? Forget about the news or driving down the road, which is bad enough; try pushing a shopping cart around Wal-Mart for an hour. The only time I can do it is when I prepare myself beforehand. How can this be done you ask? P R A Y ! Yes you pray. Put on a smile, think happy thoughts and ask the Lord for patience. He waited patiently a long time for me to come to him and have my heart filled with his Love, and Understanding. Therefore it would be wrong for me not to show that same patience with others. I just need that gentle nudge once in awhile from him as a reminder. Although there are times I have had to ask him for a muzzle! And he is always ready to oblige, sometimes even when I don’t ask, and I sure do thank him for that.
1 Thessalonians 5:14 “Now we exhort you, brethren, warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all.”
2 Timothy 2:23-26 “But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife. (24) And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all able to teach, patient, (25) in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, (26) and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.”
James 5:8-11 “You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand. (9) Do not grumble against one another, brethren, lest you be condemned. Behold, the Judge is standing at the door! (10) My Brethren, take the prophets, who spoke in the name of the Lord, as an example of suffering and patience. (11) Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord _ that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.”
The next time you feel yourself getting a little inpatient with the Lord for one reason or another, remember this, His patience with us, in all that we say or don’t say, in all that we do or don’t do, is Never-Ending.
Thank you Father God for all you have done, all you are doing and all that will be. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Util next time; remember, JLY & MGBYAKY
Love to All Skippy/Cochise
P.S. IT WORKED THIS TIME!!! Can I take a nap now?
Monday, October 5, 2009
More to think about
Hi everybody ……. :)
Monday – Monday – Monday!!! Been thinking and thinking about which inspirational to send your way next. They are all good, at least I think so. Let me take another look through my folder and see which one jumps out at me.
Ok – The Holy Spirit showed me two that would go really good together. The first one will give you something to really think about and the second one will show you where you will find all the answers to your questions.
Through my mind’s Eye
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ
How many skeletons do you have hanging in your closet? I don’t think there is one person that doesn’t have at least one hanging in their closet, hopefully collecting dust.
Those skeletons are what Jesus died for, our sins and the more dust they collect, the better we are in walking with our Lord. But look out for Satan, he is constantly tempting us to reach in there, grab hold of that skeleton and shake off the dust. Sometimes it’s hard isn’t it, standing there, looking at that skeleton and all the feel good fleshy desires that it brought us.
Acts 3:19 – Repent ye therefore, and be converted {turn again}, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;
There are times when I open that closet door and there before me are my many skeletons just waiting for me to grab one or more and shake the dust from them and appease Satan with a victory. My walk with Christ will not allow this to happen. Many times I have seen those skeletons hanging there. At first they scared me, wanting me to reach out to them. But I quickly learned that all I had to do was ask the Lord to remove them from my sight and He would Lovingly shut that door once again.
It is not our Lord God that opens that closet door, it is our own weak fleshy desires that Satan preys upon. It could be a word, a smell/odor, or something we see and the door to our skeleton closet is opened, temptation staring back at us, urging us to reach out and grab sin by the hand and go for a disgraceful walk with Lucifer. Matthew 26:41 – Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
It does not matter where your walk is with Jesus, shut your eyes, fold your hands and ask our Lord God to shut that door. No matter how many times in a day, week, month or year, he will shut that door every time, all you need to do is ask. II. Thessalonians 3:3 – But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.
Thank you Lord for everything you have done, everything are doing, and everything that will be done. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Look around you my brothers and sisters!
Do you see her?
You can’t miss her!
She’s right here before you.
She’s as big as life itself!
What is she you ask?
The most wonderful thing you can take a ride on!
She’s been around for a long time.
Been feared and hated, scorned and torn, beaten,
bruised and burned, and yet she still survives
because of all those who try to understand her,
live by her and love her.
She was once only meant for High Priests
And has only been within our grasp for a few
hundred years.
I call her the Ark of Life
And why not? It seems only appropriate.
Back in the pages of Genesis God had Noah build an
Ark to float on the waters he sent forth to cleanse
the earth of all sin.
In the pages of Exodus God commissioned an Ark
of the Covenant be built for the High Priests to
make tithes and offerings and commune with him.
And Jesus, God’s only son, was and still is, the Ark of
Mercy and Grace.
And the whole time these things were coming about,
And much much more
The Bible, the Word of God, the Good Book,
Gods Ark of life, was being put together
for generations to come so that we might sail on
into that eternal life with our Father God through
his Son and our Lord and Savior, Jesus.
Do you see her now? She’s bigger than life itself!
Step on board and feel your luggage, your burdens
be lifted from you.
Feel God’s Mercy, Grace and Love surround you.
Your seas may get ruff at times
But with Jesus at the helm
She will never sink!!!
Thank you Father God. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Well, there they are. Until next time –
Remember, JLY & MGBYAKY
Love to all Skippy/Cochise
Monday – Monday – Monday!!! Been thinking and thinking about which inspirational to send your way next. They are all good, at least I think so. Let me take another look through my folder and see which one jumps out at me.
Ok – The Holy Spirit showed me two that would go really good together. The first one will give you something to really think about and the second one will show you where you will find all the answers to your questions.
Through my mind’s Eye
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ
How many skeletons do you have hanging in your closet? I don’t think there is one person that doesn’t have at least one hanging in their closet, hopefully collecting dust.
Those skeletons are what Jesus died for, our sins and the more dust they collect, the better we are in walking with our Lord. But look out for Satan, he is constantly tempting us to reach in there, grab hold of that skeleton and shake off the dust. Sometimes it’s hard isn’t it, standing there, looking at that skeleton and all the feel good fleshy desires that it brought us.
Acts 3:19 – Repent ye therefore, and be converted {turn again}, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;
There are times when I open that closet door and there before me are my many skeletons just waiting for me to grab one or more and shake the dust from them and appease Satan with a victory. My walk with Christ will not allow this to happen. Many times I have seen those skeletons hanging there. At first they scared me, wanting me to reach out to them. But I quickly learned that all I had to do was ask the Lord to remove them from my sight and He would Lovingly shut that door once again.
It is not our Lord God that opens that closet door, it is our own weak fleshy desires that Satan preys upon. It could be a word, a smell/odor, or something we see and the door to our skeleton closet is opened, temptation staring back at us, urging us to reach out and grab sin by the hand and go for a disgraceful walk with Lucifer. Matthew 26:41 – Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
It does not matter where your walk is with Jesus, shut your eyes, fold your hands and ask our Lord God to shut that door. No matter how many times in a day, week, month or year, he will shut that door every time, all you need to do is ask. II. Thessalonians 3:3 – But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.
Thank you Lord for everything you have done, everything are doing, and everything that will be done. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Look around you my brothers and sisters!
Do you see her?
You can’t miss her!
She’s right here before you.
She’s as big as life itself!
What is she you ask?
The most wonderful thing you can take a ride on!
She’s been around for a long time.
Been feared and hated, scorned and torn, beaten,
bruised and burned, and yet she still survives
because of all those who try to understand her,
live by her and love her.
She was once only meant for High Priests
And has only been within our grasp for a few
hundred years.
I call her the Ark of Life
And why not? It seems only appropriate.
Back in the pages of Genesis God had Noah build an
Ark to float on the waters he sent forth to cleanse
the earth of all sin.
In the pages of Exodus God commissioned an Ark
of the Covenant be built for the High Priests to
make tithes and offerings and commune with him.
And Jesus, God’s only son, was and still is, the Ark of
Mercy and Grace.
And the whole time these things were coming about,
And much much more
The Bible, the Word of God, the Good Book,
Gods Ark of life, was being put together
for generations to come so that we might sail on
into that eternal life with our Father God through
his Son and our Lord and Savior, Jesus.
Do you see her now? She’s bigger than life itself!
Step on board and feel your luggage, your burdens
be lifted from you.
Feel God’s Mercy, Grace and Love surround you.
Your seas may get ruff at times
But with Jesus at the helm
She will never sink!!!
Thank you Father God. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Well, there they are. Until next time –
Remember, JLY & MGBYAKY
Love to all Skippy/Cochise
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