Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What is a Sacrifice

Through My Mind’s Eye
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Edited by Jesus Christ

What is a Sacrifice?
Bradley C. Barnett

Just like all of you, I have made sacrifices. From not going fishing for a day with my kids to taking the fall for another. They were my decisions and I blame none other than myself for the outcome. Even though sometimes I still felt angry with myself I have learned to live with the decisions/sacrifices that I have made.
There isn’t one person that doesn’t make some sort of sacrifice every day. What I mean about that would be better explained from the dictionary. “2. A giving up of some cherished or desired object, person, idea, etc., usually for the sake of something else: also, that which is so given up. 4. A reduction of price that leaves little or no profit or involves loss.” Taken from The Reader’s Digest Great Encyclopedic Dictionary.
Why am I talking about sacrifices you ask? Well, I was sitting around one day thinking of all the ones I have made and the ones that I will probably make in the future, and all the people I have listened to or have overheard complaining about having to do this or that. So, I wanted to bring to your attention about some very important facts and aspects of life that you don’t know or just may have forgotten.
The list of sacrifices made in a person’s life time is as far as East is from West. How important are our sacrifices? Are they as important as the young soldier that gives the ultimate sacrifice for us, his country, to be free, so we can continue complaining about our insignificant sacrifices? We should be ashamed!
To put all this in a nut shell; when was the last time you dusted off your Bible and cracked it open and studied (just don’t read, study) the contents? You will find that between sacrifice, sacrificed, sacrifices and sacrificing, presented to us by there are a grand total of 635 occasions where it is spoken of such actions. Read about all those and then start thinking about all the sacrifices you have made so far. After that task has been accomplished find Matthew 27:50, Mark 15:37, Luke 23:46 and John 19:30, Jesus’ last breath. Are you feeling it yet?
In Matthew I was curious. In Mark I was beginning to feel something. In Luke I was getting excited. In John I was shown more than I could imagine and all the sacrifices that I had made, along with the anger, seemed to dissipate as I realized that they were/are insignificant to our Lords sacrifice that he gave to us for our salvation, his Son Jesus.
Now when my sacrifices start riding up on me and I feel the anger and self pity that arises they are easily forgotten because I think of that sacrifice that was made for me and say a thank you, Father God.
What is your sacrifice? Just a little something to think about.
Thank you Father God for all that you have done, all that you are doing and all that is yet to come. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen

Remember – JLY + MGBYAKY
Love to All
Monday, 26 October 2009

1 comment:

  1. Amen! My husband has been given a very special gift when it comes to writing about our everyday relationship with our Lord Jesus.
    I pray that this writing touches you very deeply and awakens your need for God aand the love He has to offer to all of us.

    I'm very proud of you honey,
