Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Our Lord being Sighted

Hi everyone ....... :}
I can't believe it's been 2 months sense my last post ....... no excuses, just being lazy. Going through my book I stopped at this next Inspiration and had to read it. I think now is a good time to post it.

Our Lord being “Sighted”
Bradley C. Barnett
Inspired by the Holy Ghost

I would like to use my dad as an example here; I pray he doesn’t mind too much. He recently sent me a picture of the dust collected on his shop stool and tells me it’s the image of God. He even went as far as hanging that stool up in the garage so nobody would sit on it and going out and buying a new one to sit on. At first I wanted to write him back and tell him that he has totally lost it and maybe he should take a better look at it and reconsider, before they put him in a padded cell. Well I didn’t and haven’t said a word to him about it one way or another and I’m glad I haven’t, yet. This message will be my answer to him and all who have ever thought as I have.
How many places in the Bible does it say that man has actually seen God? Adam and Eve walked with God in the Garden of Eden. In Genesis, Jacob said he saw God face to face. In Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers it explains the Ark of the Covenant and how only the most holy were allowed behind the vale to counsel with God. Psalms 27:8 “When thou sadist, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek.” And Psalms 31:16 “Make thy face to shine upon thy servant: save me for thy mercies’ sake.” In the book of Ezekiel, chapter 39, verse 29 reads; “Neither will I hide my face any more from them: for I have poured out my spirit upon the house of Israel, saith the Lord God.” And let’s not forget John in the book of Revelations.
Those were just a few examples from the Bible. How many more between then and today have seen the face of God? My guess would be; only God knows! I have not seen the face of God but I see God every day in everything around me. Even though I have not seen the face of God I feel the presence of the Holy Ghost when I write and such a wonderful feeling it is. I feel the Holy Ghost at other times too, but mostly when I write because I want others to benefit from what the Holy Ghost has helped me put together.
So now; should I be put into a padded cell for what I feel and write? Through my Lord and Savior, Jesus, I am able to talk with God as some of you would not believe. And with the gift of the Holy Ghost given to us a long time ago we are able to be touched and touch others with God’s gift of Love.
What do you see when you see a person with a handicap, physical, mental, or both? I see God! I always have and always will say this; there for the grace of God go I, something my mother instilled in us kids from the day we were able to understand. There are none closer to God than the physically and mentally handicapped for His Mercy and Grace.
So now, who do you see in your pancake? Are you looking? Better yet, do you seek the face of God and how will he appear to you? I have not yet searched for the face of God, maybe someday. Right now I am content in the awesome feelings I receive when the Holy Spirit takes my hand and puts to paper the things we wish to share with you. And the wonderful feeling I get when I ask God to please just sit with me for awhile. It is a totally peaceful feeling when I feel his presence.
Please forgive me Dad, and to all the others too for my selfish thoughts. Seek God and you will find him. Whether it’s His face on a dust covered shop stool, cooked up in the middle of a pancake, written down on paper with the help of the Holy Spirit, or just feeling his presence as he sits with you on your front porch, He loves you and truly wants you to be with Him.

Thank You Jesus
I Love You
7 Feb. 2009